Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day One Hundred and Fifty Two 6/1/11

Dakota is not the only thing shedding right now, the cottonwoods are it was like snow on our walk today with all of them floating around. I literally had to keep my mouth closed. It was really pretty and I wish i could of gotten a better picture but you get the point. 

Song of the Day:
The Black Keys - Sinister Kind

Day One Hundred and Fifty One 5/31/11

Colorful Colorado
Never fails. And I love it. 

Song of the Day:
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc. 

Day One Hundred and Fifty 5/30/11

I have such great memories of the plush green grass from childhood, I loved doing handstands in the back yard and smelling the freshly cut grass. I don't know if I could ever live somewhere there would wouldn't be any grass. 

Song of the Day:
Jack Johnson - Upside Down

Day One Hundred and Forty Nine 5/29/11

Aislinn Grace Eck
Congrats to Joe and Jenn Eck for bringing little Aislinn into the world! I am all about some more females being born! Jenn has been a sister for over 15 years now and I am so lucky to have her in my life. Joe is another amazing addition and I could not be happier for them both and really look forward to holding this little girl!

Song of the Day:
MC Hammer - You Can't Touch This

Day One Hundred and Forty Eight 5/28/11

West Sunset
The sun is setting more and more north-west now and I have the perfect view. 
Not a big Killers fan, but I hear this song on Pandora more than any other song when I walk, so it should get a song of the day slot. 

Song of the Day:
The Killers - Mr. Brightside

Day One Hundred and Forty Seven 5/27/11

Animal Pile-Up
I can tell you, Dakota's face says it all, he wasn't too happy, but it was pretty funny, and no animals were harmed in this pile-up. I had the chance to have a Friday night off and we went to the Yabby Hut and got some seafood and have some brews, and it was nice to hang with Court and Kyle after along week of work and school. 

Song of the Day:
Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Day One Hundred and Forty Six 5/26/11

Share The Log
I kinda want to know what these black birds are, they are everywhere and they are always alone and when they swim their whole bodies are in the water and just their heads stick out, and they are always chilling with turtles. Most likely planning to take over the world. This was taken on a fishing lake near Mississippi and Kippling, it stank like fish and reminded me of Blue Marsh. 

Song of the Day:
Mumford And Sons - Little Lion Man