Monday, May 9, 2011

Day One Hundred And Twenty Four 5/4/11

Wednesday On The Colorado River
Wednesday we decided to hit some rafting on the Colorado River and I am not going to sugar coat it, I was pretty nervous the whole ride. Rapids to me are scary and I am not an experiences rafter, so not only was a nervous wreck about my own well being, but I also had Dakota in the raft and was really worried about him. But all said and done, I am glad that I did it and looking back it really wasn't that bad at all. I was just cold from the water hitting me and the wind that day did not make it any better. I would say the worst rapid was a class 3 and the water temp was about 45 degree, but that is only an educated guess. After we rafted we headed back to camp, hit up the 3.2% Bud Light and cooked some Shish Kobobs, which by the way were amazing and I am still patting myself on the back for that  meal. 
Here is some info on the liquor laws of Utah. 
Utah has modernized its liquor laws. Adults of legal age can order and consume beer, wine and hard liquor at bars, pubs and restaurants and other establishments throughout the state. In the past, a private club membership was required to enter bars. That requirement  has been eliminated. Mixed drinks and wine may be ordered with food in most restaurants from noon to 1am, and beer may be ordered from 10am to 1am. Patrons may be served at their tables or in waiting areas. Taverns and beer establishments sell beer from 10am to 1am. Beer may be purchased without ordering food and is sold on draft and in bottles and cans. Beer sales "to go" are also allowed. but not in open containers. Packaged beer is available at supermarkets, grocery and convenient stores, the maximum alcohol content is 4% by volume or 3.2% by weight. packaged liquor  wine and heavy beer "to go" are sol at state liquor stores throughout Utah.

Song of the Day:
Poi Dog Pondering

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