Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day One Hundred And Twenty Six 5/6/11

Indian Writing On Friday
Probably one of the coolest things I have seen was the Indian Writing on the canyon walls in Moab. At first it was hard to find for some reason, but once you got your eye on the right part, you could see so many different little drawings. I am guessing this is the chief, he was bigger, in every way, than all the other hunters. 
Prehistoric Native Americans made petroglyphs and pictographs. Petroglyphs are pecked into rocks. Pictographs are images painted on rock, usually with a crude stick or brush or the fingers. The "paint" was minerals, blood, ash, charcoal, crushed plants or a mixture of these.
We also hit an area where there were dinosaur tracks in the slabs of the canyon, and drove to Jug Handle Arch. Then we headed back to Frisco. It was an amazing week in an amazing place with amazing company. Dakota was a trooper the whole time and I have to give thanks out to Jeff for being a great tour guide and filling the days with laughs and great memories. 

Song of the Day:
Amos Lee - Windows Rolled Down

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