Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day One Hundred and Twenty Three 5/3/11

Tuesday In The Sand Flats
Tuesday morning I headed into the small town of Moab and hit the grocery store and was able to see some of the sunrise hitting the Canyons. When I got back to to camp we made breakfast and got ourselves ready for a nice hike through the San Flats. We drove all the way into the desert area and ended up hiking the Porcupine Rim Trail which took you all thew way over to the Negro Bill Canyon which over looked the Colorado River and the Canyons on the north side of Utah. After the 5 mile hike we headed back to our campsite and cooked some burgers, enjoyed some Margarita's, played some Bocce Ball and once again enjoyed the sun setting on the canyons and then watched the stars slowly come out and enjoy the night with us.
This is a picture of Dakota chillin in a hole in the side of a canyon. Here is a great site to find out more about the Sand Flats.

Song Of The Day:
Tom Petty - Don't Come Around Here No More

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