Monday, April 18, 2011

Day One Hundred and Seven 4/17/11

Another Moon Pic
Why not right? I actually worked all day and then drove up to Frisco, CO for a couple of days and the moon was out and about in pure darkness on the ride up, so I shot a pic out of the Jeep window and it's not too shabby for a point and click kind of picture. The drive on 70 blows my mind, you have clear skies until about Georgetown and then it is a whole different story, once you hit the Eisenhower Tunnel it is a winter wonder land and then when you decline back down after the bridge it is a little scary, because it is always snowing no matter what and its very steep for about 6 miles. I get a little less nervous each time I do it. I am sure it will be a breeze in the summer. I am excited to drive the whole pass to Utah because I heard it is absolutely beautiful and there is nothing like it. 

Song of the Day:
James - Say Something

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