Friday, April 22, 2011

Day One Hundred and Ten 4/20/11

So this is a picture from the 420 Parade in Boulder, Co. I was not here, but a friend was and I think it's pretty funny that they rope in an area for people to smoke it up on the streets. You can see the smoke filled streets and all the stoners having a good time. Not my thing, but a lot of people's thing out here in medical marijuana land.
Anyway, 4/20 only means one thing to me, my mom's birthday. She has been gone for over eight years now and it is still hard to think of her not here on her birthday. She is missed daily and thought of very often. So Happy Birthday Mom, we all love and miss you!
My mom had every ABBA album.

Song of the Day:
ABBA - Take A Chance On Me

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