Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day Eighty Nine 3/30/11

Smush Face
I love the smush face of Dakota when he wakes up. This guy sleeps a lot and he sleeps good, so when he does a check-up to make sure I am still around, he usually has a good smush face. 
Today is Leigh and Jenn's birthday, so I want to give my sisters a big shout out for their birthdays!

Song of the Day:
Morrissey - Suedehead

Day Eighty Eight 3/29/11

Frisco, Main Street To The Rockies
Super cute town that is only like 2 miles in radius and has a population of around 2,000 people.
The view from the main street is really cool and as sunny as it was in this picture, it snowed most of the time I was there.

Song of the Day:
Jack Johnson - You and Your Heart

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day Eighty Seven 3/28/11

Rainbow Lake Trail
I put on some Yak Tracks and hiked the Rainbow Lake Trail in Frisco with Dakota and a friend and it was so beautiful. It snowed most of the time and it is exactly the Colorado experience that I love. These small towns I am getting to know are so amazing and make me want to move to one of them.
Frisco is the coolest little town and has everything you need. Not to mention the most amazing views of the Rockies everywhere. 

Song of the Day:
Johnny Cash - Personal Jesus

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day Eighty Six 3/27/11

I don't know why, but I thought of my mom a lot today. I think that when the month of April comes closer I think of the birthday that come up, we have Leigh first, then me, then Alax, then my mom and then Ross. My mom loved birthdays and always made a big deal out of them. Growing up we got to pick what we wanted for dinner. I always picked clams... go figure. 
I miss my mom.. a lot. And I think of her a lot. And that's what she wanted.
This is her senior picture, and she looked like this till the day she passed away. She was absolutely beautiful. 

Song of the Day:
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day Eighty Five 3/26/11

Silver Statue
I finally.. finally went downtown today and walked around. Cities are so fun, and I think the best part about them is people watching. I always forget how many crazy people are in this world, and until you walk around in a city, you are re-reminded what is out there. This woman was pretty cool as a statue and as you can see she makes money by just having people watch her. When I gave her a dollar she blew me a kiss and then went back into her statue stance. I hung with a Colorado friend all day and it was a very fun and brilliant kind of day in Denver. Good laughs were had, those days are always the best.

Song of the Day:
Cheap Trick - I want You To Want Me

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day Eighty Four 3/25/11

I love Golf. I do. I have been golfing for a while now, being I pretty much grew up on a golf course. Best memories were of my mom and I hitting Galen Hall and grabbing a couple of six packs of Becks Beer at the local bar at hole #3 and having a good buzz on by the 10th hole to grab a hot dog. Sometimes we would drink too much and do synchronized swinging and it always made us laugh so hard. I was more of a laid back golfer than my mom was, she got pretty frustrated, but I always just enjoyed the game. After she passed the country club planted a tree in her honor at hole #16. She always made an impression every where she went. I still to this day have my moms gold bag and golf club, and there are a couple of things that she had in her bag that I will keep in there to remind me of what kind of person she was, like a bottle opener.. Things like golfing with my mom is something I love to look back on and laugh. That's what she asked me to do when I thought of her, remember the good times. And golfing with her was a great time. 
It was nice going to the driving range today and hitting some balls, it's been a while and I was surprised how well I hit some of the balls. I am not a great golfer, but I am a golfer.

Song of the Day:
Beck - Sexx Laws

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day Eighty Three 3/24/11

Red Rock
Hiking Red Rocks is so fun cause it is literally just a big red rock most of the time and the paths are pretty easy and the hike is gorgeous and when you get to the top it's like a big meadow. Hiking alone doesn't bother me until I want a picture like this, but thank god for the good ol' timer on the camera. Works every time. I actually think this pic turned out awesome and it is one of my favorites so far. It makes me happy that Dakota is still in this pics at his age and I hope it stays like that for a long time, because I don't know what I would do without my hiking buddy!

Song of the Day:
Dave Matthews Band - #41 Live

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day Eighty Two 3/23/11

Like Father Like Son
From the time that I can remember, my older brother Chad has been obsessed with everything technology. I remember sitting next to him, reading off numbers so he could put them into his Commodore 64 computer, and after about two hours of numbers, a little rocket would shoot on the screen. I love that his son, and my nephew Patrick, share these hobbies of computers and building things. Apparently these two have been working on this for about 4 days now, and I love to see things like this, because it just reminds me what a great dad my brother is and how lucky my niece and nephew are. 
This song is for you Chad.

Song of the Day
Ween - Dr. Rock

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Eighty One 3/22/11

Ponder Pack
It was so windy today, holy cow. And there are fires everywhere right now with the winds, but I think they are pretty much all out. I got a new Camel Bak water holder for my back pack and ate at a new place called Wahoos Fish Taco and it was fantastic. I had a great day today. Sad to see it end. 

Song of the Day:
Bob Marley - Three Little Birds

Day Eighty 3/21/11

My attempt to get a night time shot of the Coyotes last night was a huge Fail. I didn't try to hard, and I wish I had a better camera, but I like this pic for some reason. I know they are out there... oh yes, they are. 

Song of the Day:
The Shins - Phantom Limb

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day Seventy Nine 3/20/11

Happy Spring!
Well here we are, it is officially spring and today sure felt like it in Colorado. We are having some record high's and I still can't believe we haven't gotten any big snows, well in Denver, the mountains have been being smacked with snow all winter. But I heard that March and April can bring the biggest snows of the year.. so we will see.. I didn't get to hit any of the mountains for some good ski days, but it will be my goal next year to have the gear and the passes to go whenever I want. I can't wait, cause I really do miss it.

Song of the Day:
Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day Seventy Eight 3/19/11

Can you believe this picture? I asked my friend Romain Bralla to take a picture of the moon with his very nice camera for me and man did he deliver! It's absolutely beautiful and I could not be happier with the picture.
I read today that some of the tides would be effected by the moon. And it is also believed that it has a link between the occurrence of SuperMoons and natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Hmmm.. weird right? Maybe the SuperMoon also gave me this sinus infection I woke up with this morning. You never know what mother nature has in store for us. I think when it comes down to it, we should respect it either way, I mean ya kinda have to with a name like SuperMoon!

Song of the Day:
Citizen Cope - D'artagnan's Theme

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day Seventy Seven 3/18/11

These guys thought they were sneaky, but I saw them. I wonder what it is like to just sit on a log all day like this in a row and chill. Oh the life of animals, must be nice not to have to make a car payment or wait in line at the grocery store. 

Song of the Day:
Modest Mouse - Fire It Up

Day Seventy Six 3/17/11

Luck Of The Irish
After some technical difficulties, I got the pic I took yesterday at work. This is Leah and Daniel, I work with both of them and they are a lovely couple and I adore them both. They have been together for about 6 months now and I just found out that they will be moving to Lakewood and are my new neighbors! 
Ooo piece of candy!
Saint Patrick's Day was a long day at work, but now it is over and up next.. Spring. Bring it on Colorado, I am ready!

Song of the Day:
MGMT - Flash Delirium

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day Seventy Five 3/16/11

Happy 5 Month Anniversary Colorado
I can't even believe that it has been 5 months already. It blows my mind, one month away from a half of a year in this gorgeous place. I had an hour break at work today and took a walk at the Platte River Park and it was 75 degrees out. I am sure I looked like a total dork in my khaki's and OC shirt, but it was nice to get out on such a nice day. 
I am 75 pictures into the blog and I am still proud of myself for keeping up with it. I make an effort every day, well most days. I even right down every song, just in case I use the same one twice. I even made a playlist at day 50 and love to listen to it. 

Song of the Day:
Porno For Pyros - Tahitian Moon

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day Seventy Four 3/15/11

Action Shot
You have not seen anything until you've seen an Australian Sheppard herd a hairless cat. 
Byrd and Donnie are constant entertainment. 

Song of the Day:
Ray LaMontagne - Be Here Now

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day Seventy Three 3/14/11

Happy Birthday Lindsey
This pretty much sums up the night for Lindsey's birthday.
It was a great day of sitting in the sun with good friends and then an amazing dinner for a great friend's birthday. There is nothing like a day off with good company.

Song of the Day:
Queen - Somebody To Love

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day Seventy Two 3/13/11

One More Hour Of Sun
Ahh, the turning forward of the clocks always reminds me of childhood. It was always a good thing, you got more sunlight to your night, which meant more playing time with the neighbors and you knew that Spring was just around the corner. This winter seems like it went by pretty fast. Maybe it's because it didn't really seem like to much of a winter in Colorado, but either way, it is almost over and there is a lot to look forward to seeing in the next months to come. A friend and I walked up Hayden William Park to the top to see the sunset and it was gorgeous. It is one of my favorite hike's and is literally 10 minutes from my place. 

Song of the Day:
The Strokes - You Only Live Once

Day Seventy One 3/12/11

This is the only pic I took today. I was waiting to get a pic from some friends at the St. Patty's day madness downtown, but I am guessing the drinks tasted to good and they forgot. I am exhausted from work and am going to leave it at that. Goodnight.

Song of the Day:
R.E.M. - Man On The Moon

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day Seventy 3/11/11

Beauty Of A Sight
I am going to be completely honest with you and tell you that around 11:15p.m. tonight I sat down at the bar after working a double to have a beer and one of my biggest Blog fans, the bartender Tyler, brought up the blog, and I was like 'Oh Shit, I never did a blog pic.' It's harder than you think taking one cool pic a day for this blog, for a whole year.... but I will finish what I started, I always have.
So what better pic to take than the line up of the 30 beers we offer at the good ol' OC. I have to say that the lineup of taps is a nice sight and if you are a beer lover like me, then this is a picture of pure pleasure. So that's the blog pic of the day story. It was 3/11/11 today, I love all the 11/11's this year. 

Song of the Day:
Dr. Dog - Shame Shame

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day Sixty Nine 3/10/11

Remember this tree? I do, it was in another pic of the day and I don't know why, but I love him. I named him Charlie Sheen today cause, well, he is Winning. Oh it will always be funny. Exactly what he wants. So lets just give it to him. I mean he has given us some good movies when it comes down to it, and I am talking about 80's movies, not the new shows or media crap I don't watch, I mean come on, he was in Young Guns!
Anyway, I got a small break from work, came home, put on a t-shirt and took the dog for a walk and it was so beautiful out, I think it reached 71 today. There were a lot of bikers, runners, walkers and spiders out today. And I did see a hawk flying around. I am tired from work so I will leave you with one more thing... Charlie Sheen was also in Red Dawn...

Song of the Day:
Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day Sixty Eight 3/9/11

Bike Art
So I have pretty much walked by this spot for 5 months now and never noticed this statue. 
I thought it was pretty cool, and I heard there is cool art like this all around Denver, I just need to get out of Lakewood and head downtown during the day and witness some of. I heard they out a bunch of Pianos out downtown and random people play them. That would be fun to see. 

Song of the Day:
Spoon - The Underdog

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Sixty Seven 3/8/11

Happy Fat Tuesday!
Well here we are already in March and the St. Patrick's Day and Mardi Gra festivities have begun, I don't know what you are doing, but I have my sweatpants on, LOST on and am waiting on some wings and pizza, which is well deserved after a huge hike I did with Dakota today. Plus sometimes I just want some wings and pizza. I loved the way this mountain looked with all the snow on the bushes, it was frozen on the branches into crystals and looked really pretty. 
I don't know how many of you have watched every season of LOST, I don't even know how many of you actually read my blog, but I have been re-watching it and I have all these different feelings about it. Jack is actually kind of a pussy in these episodes and always out of breath and constantly crying. Kate, well besides the fact that she needs to put a bra on, she is a bad person, she killed a lot of people in her past and no one should trust her. The french woman is a bad actor and Sawyer.. well he still has his shirt off, so I wouldn't change anything about that. John Locke is still on a walk-about and a super bad-ass and I am excited for Ben to come back into the episodes cause he was always my favorite character, oh and Desmond. But what is up with the dog on a leash on a deserted island? Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't.. poor dog.
What I do like about re-watching these seasons is the fact that you can really see where everyone is intertwined in life. All in all, I did loved the show and it is really fun to re-watch each episode again, oh the drama. That's what I think about LOST, well some of it, I could go on forever about the show, but I won't.

Song of the Day
 Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo‘ole - Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Sixty Six 3/7/11

My Little Buddy
I love that I can sit on my computer and Skype with my soon-to-be 4 year old nephew Grey, and have conversations about Thomas the Train and why his ears are red and then he shows me his Thomas Scooter and then he shows me he can put a toy pot on his head as a hat. Leigh told me the funniest story that they were at the park and he rode his Thomas the Train Scooter up to a bunch of 12 year olds on Razors and he was pushing his Thomas buttons showing off and trying to tricks like the older kids were. Cutest story ever. Grey is truly my little buddy and I always remember how sad he got when I would leave, and always tell Leigh he was going home with me and quick put on his shoes and jacket. I am a lucky Aunt to have these little darlings in my life. So far there are 5 of them, and I know I am far from them, but Skype is a great way to keep in touch! I think that if my mom were alive, her and Grey would bond over funny things like music and washing the cars. Def Leppard comes to mind when I think of it, cause she was still have that cassette tape in her Porsche. 

Song of the Day:
Def Leppard - Hysteria

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day Sixty Five 3/6/11

I love Guinness. I had one of these lovely beers after work and I got a little shamrock surprise on top. 
I can't master this, but the bartender did. Guinness reminds me of the Ugly Oyster, one of my favorite bars to this day in Reading, PA. They had all of the old Guinness posters on the wall, I had some really good times in that place. The Ugly O will always hold a special part in my heart. 
Studies claim that Guinness can be beneficial to the heart. Researchers found that antioxidant compounds in Guinness, similar to those found in certain fruits and vegetables, are responsible for health benefits because they slow down the deposit of harmful cholesterol on the artery walls.
Guinness ran an advertising campaign in the 1920s which stemmed from market research - when people told the company that they felt good after their pint, the slogan was born – "Guinness is Good for You". This type of advertising for alcoholic drinks that implies improved physical performance or enhanced personal qualities is now prohibited in Ireland. Diageo, the company that now manufactures Guinness, now says: "We never make any medical claims for our drinks."

Song of the Day:
Band Of Horse - The Funeral

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day Sixty Four 3/5/11

Action Shot
I let my camera out at work and we had a free-for-all with the pics and on my camera there was an action pic of Brandy and Kyle reenacting Spartacus? Either was this picture shows you exactly what kind of silly times goes on. Especially when we are all starting out working a double. These two are goofs, and I love working with them, as I do the rest of the staff. I have found some good friends at work, we all get each other through the day. 

Song of the Day:
Deer Tick - These Old Shoes

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day Sixty Three 3/4/11

View From Up High In Conifer
I had the opportunity to take a ride with a friend for a dog sitting gig over to Conifer and this is the furthest west I have been into the Foothills, which seem like they cut off quick because you can see the Rockies from Denver, but you never realize how far the huge mountains are away until you spend some time in the car driving towards them. The house we went to was around a 9,000 foot elevation, and as you can see, the sites gave you views for miles and miles. A friend said to me one time 'no matter how great your view is, there is always some asshole with a better house and a better view.' But in my eyes, I think every place I look in Colorado is a great view. 
Happy Birthday Courtney Haag, I am lucky to have you as a friend in this amazing state.

Song of the Day:
Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Sixty Two 3/3/11

Where Are You Going?
The downside of dog walking.. having to see this face when I leave the house. This is Murphy, he is a handsome Golden Retriever with a lot of manners. He loves tennis balls, but never giving them up, it is always a fight to get one from him, but when you finally do is ready to chase after it. 
I went back to Waterton today and took a nice long walk through the cow and horse fields with a friend and 3 dogs. I really like this walk because the views are so pretty and no one is ever on the trail that I got out of my 50 Best Dog Walks Book. The dogs ran free and the sun beat down on us the whole walk. I am sure the Waterton walk will eventually get a picture of the day, but I think I will wait until spring, because it has so much potential to get some color into it.

Song of the Day:
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day Sixty One 3/2/11

View from Cherry Hills
I have a dog walk this week in Cherry Hills, and to say the least, they have a beautiful view. The community of Cherry Hills is gorgeous, and pricey. I would imagine part of the million dollars you do spend on the houses in this neighborhood is because of the view.
It was a beautiful walk and Murphy, the extra large Golden Retriever is a complete gentleman on the walks. 

Song of the Day:
The Black Crows - She Talks To Angels

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Sixty 3/1/11

60 Days Bitches!
60 days into the Blog, and I couldn't be happier in Colorado. 
I had some friends from work come over and we hit some softballs in Sister Park and it was an absolute blast. I adore things like this, especially when the background looks like this.
This is hands down one of my favorite songs. 

Song of the Day:
Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds