Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day Sixty Nine 3/10/11

Remember this tree? I do, it was in another pic of the day and I don't know why, but I love him. I named him Charlie Sheen today cause, well, he is Winning. Oh it will always be funny. Exactly what he wants. So lets just give it to him. I mean he has given us some good movies when it comes down to it, and I am talking about 80's movies, not the new shows or media crap I don't watch, I mean come on, he was in Young Guns!
Anyway, I got a small break from work, came home, put on a t-shirt and took the dog for a walk and it was so beautiful out, I think it reached 71 today. There were a lot of bikers, runners, walkers and spiders out today. And I did see a hawk flying around. I am tired from work so I will leave you with one more thing... Charlie Sheen was also in Red Dawn...

Song of the Day:
Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory

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