Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day Seventy 3/11/11

Beauty Of A Sight
I am going to be completely honest with you and tell you that around 11:15p.m. tonight I sat down at the bar after working a double to have a beer and one of my biggest Blog fans, the bartender Tyler, brought up the blog, and I was like 'Oh Shit, I never did a blog pic.' It's harder than you think taking one cool pic a day for this blog, for a whole year.... but I will finish what I started, I always have.
So what better pic to take than the line up of the 30 beers we offer at the good ol' OC. I have to say that the lineup of taps is a nice sight and if you are a beer lover like me, then this is a picture of pure pleasure. So that's the blog pic of the day story. It was 3/11/11 today, I love all the 11/11's this year. 

Song of the Day:
Dr. Dog - Shame Shame

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