Friday, March 25, 2011

Day Eighty Four 3/25/11

I love Golf. I do. I have been golfing for a while now, being I pretty much grew up on a golf course. Best memories were of my mom and I hitting Galen Hall and grabbing a couple of six packs of Becks Beer at the local bar at hole #3 and having a good buzz on by the 10th hole to grab a hot dog. Sometimes we would drink too much and do synchronized swinging and it always made us laugh so hard. I was more of a laid back golfer than my mom was, she got pretty frustrated, but I always just enjoyed the game. After she passed the country club planted a tree in her honor at hole #16. She always made an impression every where she went. I still to this day have my moms gold bag and golf club, and there are a couple of things that she had in her bag that I will keep in there to remind me of what kind of person she was, like a bottle opener.. Things like golfing with my mom is something I love to look back on and laugh. That's what she asked me to do when I thought of her, remember the good times. And golfing with her was a great time. 
It was nice going to the driving range today and hitting some balls, it's been a while and I was surprised how well I hit some of the balls. I am not a great golfer, but I am a golfer.

Song of the Day:
Beck - Sexx Laws

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