Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day Seventy Five 3/16/11

Happy 5 Month Anniversary Colorado
I can't even believe that it has been 5 months already. It blows my mind, one month away from a half of a year in this gorgeous place. I had an hour break at work today and took a walk at the Platte River Park and it was 75 degrees out. I am sure I looked like a total dork in my khaki's and OC shirt, but it was nice to get out on such a nice day. 
I am 75 pictures into the blog and I am still proud of myself for keeping up with it. I make an effort every day, well most days. I even right down every song, just in case I use the same one twice. I even made a playlist at day 50 and love to listen to it. 

Song of the Day:
Porno For Pyros - Tahitian Moon

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