Friday, March 4, 2011

Day Sixty Three 3/4/11

View From Up High In Conifer
I had the opportunity to take a ride with a friend for a dog sitting gig over to Conifer and this is the furthest west I have been into the Foothills, which seem like they cut off quick because you can see the Rockies from Denver, but you never realize how far the huge mountains are away until you spend some time in the car driving towards them. The house we went to was around a 9,000 foot elevation, and as you can see, the sites gave you views for miles and miles. A friend said to me one time 'no matter how great your view is, there is always some asshole with a better house and a better view.' But in my eyes, I think every place I look in Colorado is a great view. 
Happy Birthday Courtney Haag, I am lucky to have you as a friend in this amazing state.

Song of the Day:
Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way

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