Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Sixty Two 3/3/11

Where Are You Going?
The downside of dog walking.. having to see this face when I leave the house. This is Murphy, he is a handsome Golden Retriever with a lot of manners. He loves tennis balls, but never giving them up, it is always a fight to get one from him, but when you finally do is ready to chase after it. 
I went back to Waterton today and took a nice long walk through the cow and horse fields with a friend and 3 dogs. I really like this walk because the views are so pretty and no one is ever on the trail that I got out of my 50 Best Dog Walks Book. The dogs ran free and the sun beat down on us the whole walk. I am sure the Waterton walk will eventually get a picture of the day, but I think I will wait until spring, because it has so much potential to get some color into it.

Song of the Day:
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

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