Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day Seventy Eight 3/19/11

Can you believe this picture? I asked my friend Romain Bralla to take a picture of the moon with his very nice camera for me and man did he deliver! It's absolutely beautiful and I could not be happier with the picture.
I read today that some of the tides would be effected by the moon. And it is also believed that it has a link between the occurrence of SuperMoons and natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis. Hmmm.. weird right? Maybe the SuperMoon also gave me this sinus infection I woke up with this morning. You never know what mother nature has in store for us. I think when it comes down to it, we should respect it either way, I mean ya kinda have to with a name like SuperMoon!

Song of the Day:
Citizen Cope - D'artagnan's Theme