Monday, March 7, 2011

Day Sixty Six 3/7/11

My Little Buddy
I love that I can sit on my computer and Skype with my soon-to-be 4 year old nephew Grey, and have conversations about Thomas the Train and why his ears are red and then he shows me his Thomas Scooter and then he shows me he can put a toy pot on his head as a hat. Leigh told me the funniest story that they were at the park and he rode his Thomas the Train Scooter up to a bunch of 12 year olds on Razors and he was pushing his Thomas buttons showing off and trying to tricks like the older kids were. Cutest story ever. Grey is truly my little buddy and I always remember how sad he got when I would leave, and always tell Leigh he was going home with me and quick put on his shoes and jacket. I am a lucky Aunt to have these little darlings in my life. So far there are 5 of them, and I know I am far from them, but Skype is a great way to keep in touch! I think that if my mom were alive, her and Grey would bond over funny things like music and washing the cars. Def Leppard comes to mind when I think of it, cause she was still have that cassette tape in her Porsche. 

Song of the Day:
Def Leppard - Hysteria

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