Monday, January 31, 2011

Day Thirty One 1/31/11

Three Amigos
I finally got to see it. I finally got to see the grooming process with a toy dog. Sweetest things too. And what's better than the bows in the hair at the end of the grooming process. Nothing. These girls were so good and I can't wait to able to work my talent on dogs like these. I have a lot to learn in the grooming industry, but I look forward to every second of it. 

Song of the Day:
Dr. Dog - Hang On

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day Thirty 1/30/11

30 Days So Far
So the blog is here for 30 days. I am pretty proud of myself for keeping up with this and I can't even imagine how  many amazing pictures I will have after a full year. It is going to be really fun to look back at all the photos and remember each and every day. This blog also keep me motivated to get out and see new things. I know everyday isn't going to be a gold picture, but in my eyes, I can see the beauty behind every picture I take. I am completely in love with Colorado. I never knew I could love a place so much.

Song of the Day:
Foo Fighters - Everlong

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Twenty Nine 1/29/11

Cheese Court!
You may know Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald as the star of Animal Planet’s Emergency Vets, but there is much more to him than what has been seen on television. In addition to his duties as a full-time veterinarian, Dr Fitzgerald has also been performing stand-up comedy on an almost nightly basis since 1986. His rapid paced, one-liner style, combined with his ability to entertain without offending, have made him a highly requested act at clubs, colleges and corporate events throughout the country.
Kevin is also a regular on The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, The Today Show with Matt Lauer,NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, and NPR's Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me. He was named one of the Top 50 Most Eligible Bachelors by People Magazine, he was the host of HBO's Women of the Night, TNN's Crooke and Chase, The Maury Povich Show, and was a bouncer for the Rolling Stones.
Tonight we went to the Comedy Works in Denver and saw three amazing comedians, and had some great laughs. Courtney was more than excited to see Dr. Fitzgerald, so we were lucky enough to get a picture of them together. 
Happy Birthday Poppy, my beautiful niece who turned one today!

Song of the Day:
My Morning Jacket - Golden

Day Twenty Eight 1/28/11

<-----Jackass Hill
So I drive through this intersection every time I go to work, and I am sorry, but it is just too funny to me. Can you imagine living on this street, this being your actually address? I grew up in the land of towns called 'Intercourse' 'Blueball' and 'Bird In Hand' but I think this one takes the cake. I took some nice scenery pictures today but this sign cracks me up every time I drive by it, so I had to use it. Apparently this sign is stolen every month and they have to replace it... really? Someone would steal this sign? I did notice today that there is a camera installed above it now. So we will see if it is stolen again. I have to admit... 15 years ago, I might of been one of those kids that had this sign on their wall. 

Song of the Day
Matt Costa: Miss Magnolia

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day Twenty Seven 1/27/11

Ode To The Sunset
I admit it. I am completely obsessed with sunsets. If you know me, you know this is true. If you have been to the beach with me, you know I always give a countdown to when it is going to happen. I don't mind watching them with company or alone. Growing up on the mountain we didn't see many sunsets, but my mom and I would walk up to the hill to catch one every once in a while. It wasn't until we started going to the Outer Banks, North Carolina 20 years ago, that my mom and I hit the jackpot of all sunsets. It is the reason we always got a house on the bay side, where you couldn't see the  mainland, so it was a perfect view every time. I have some of the best memories sitting on the deck with a Beck's beer, my mom and the family that was with us, watching the most amazing sunsets. So coming out here, has been an absolute treasure of sunsets for me. Especially since I can see them right from my back yard. I actually drove to get this shot tonight, it wasn't a far drive. I just knew this lake, that I drove by every once in a while, would be a great spot to watch it over the foothills with no houses or highways. So here is tonight's sunset. And I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Wendy Harris and Andrew Burgess. Two great friends. 

Song of the Day:
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
(Here ya go Andrew)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Twenty Six 1/26/11

13 Hour Shift
I worked a double at Old Chicago Today.
It was a long day and for some reason I took a picture of myself during a short break.
Working a long day like today doesn't give me much time to get a great pic. But it will be funny to look back at this photo and remember this Wednesday when I worked my butt off all day. I did see a Hawk on my break, right above the parking lot. So that was cool.

Song of the Day:
Timbaland - Apologize
(We sing 'It's too late to order fries' at Old Chicago)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day Twenty Five 1/25/11

Lovin Colorado
Sometimes I think I might walk Dakota too much because of how tired her gets, but every time I say walk, he is at the door. I spent the whole day with my buddy. 
Doesn't happen much, but when it does, we both know how to chill. 

Song of the Day:
Bob Marley - Stir It up

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Twenty Four 1/24/11

Tree Hugger
I don't know what it is about trees. I think they are so cool, especially when they stand alone in a field with an open sky around them. Dakota and I walked all of Greenbelt today and I am glad I finally did it, there are so many paths to choose from and we walked the horse trails which puts you by the streams in the woods. We saw a lot of Hawks, and one of these days I will get an amazing picture of one, but today they were soaring through the sky pretty high up, so it was a no-go. As dry and bare everything is in these parks during the winter, I still think the scenery is breathtaking. I am really looking forward to Spring and Summer, just to be able to see everything in bloom out here is going to be a sight I know it. But for now, I will take the naked tree up against the blue Colorado sky. 

Song of the Day:
The Roots - The Seed 2.0

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Twenty Three 1/23/11

Good Luck Lindsay
So being back in a restaurant has it's ups and downs, but when it really comes down to it, I always meet amazing people. I was lucky enough to have a job here in Denver that I really do enjoy, and the people I work with make it that much better. Lindsay had a going away party tonight and I can't help but to look back at the big move I made to Colorado, and be so excited for her to make a move to California. So today's post is dedicated to Lindsay and I wish her nothing but the best and I hope she enjoys CA as much as I enjoy CO. A change is always a good thing, and it takes a lot to get up and follow your dreams. 
Lindsay is the blonde in the middle of this group pic. Good luck girl!

Song of the Day:
Beastie Boys - So What Cha Want

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day Twenty Two 1/22/11

Walk 34
Today Courtney, Byrd, Dakota and I attempted to do walk #34 out of my dog walking book, but bagged it after 20 minutes due to the high winds and the crisp air. We can't complain though, since this has been one out of 90 days of walking that we actually gave into Colorado weather. This was a 1.2 mile walk around Crown Hill Lake in Wheat Ridge, and as you can see, there was a storm hitting the east side of Denver, and another cloud where you could see the snow falling. West of us was blue bird skies. 

Song of the Day:
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers - Mary Jane's Last Dance

Friday, January 21, 2011

Day Twenty One 1/21/11

National Squirrel Appreciation Day
What the. Sometimes I think I might have heard it all and then days like this are announced. The squirrels in my backyard and very friendly little fellas. Sometimes I feel like they are too friendly and wait for them to jump on my back Christmas Vacation style. A lot of the neighbors feed these little guys and for some reason they like to bring most of the food onto my patio and leave the left overs. I really don't mind them at all. To me they are very pretty brown squirrels that are fearless and rule Sister Park. Being able to have the blinds open and watch them play and jump the trees is a pleasure. So on this day, the National Squirrel Appreciation Day, maybe we should all forget about what a pain in the ass they really can be, and think of the good times squirrels have given us, like when one was chasing his own tail the other day and gave me a great laugh. Here is a site for you to check out.,0

Song of the Day:
Eddie Vedder, Into the Wild Soundtrack: Hard Sun
(Which by the way is an amazing movie and if you have yet to see it, I highly recommend it.)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Nineteen 1/19/11

Bear Creek Reservoir
I have never seen weather like the weather out here. On one side of the state it is complete blue bird skies and on the other, the edge of a snow storm that you can see it actually snowing. The hike up to the top of Mountain View was easy, and when you got up there it was a really pretty view of the Reservoir, which was filled with ice fishers and the foothills getting some snow, that blew south and never really hit us on the walk. Today's post is dedicated to Tyler and Niobe because they enjoy these walks as much as Dakota and I do, and it really means a lot to me. Thanks Tyler and Niobe, you guys rock. 

Song of the Day:
Beck - Missing

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Eighteen 1/18/11

Red Rocks and Morrison
Today Dakota and I took a hike up one of the Foothills, something I have wanted to do for a while now, and it was beautiful at the top. There were about 5 Hawks riding the wind and screeching like crazy, and the echo from them was one of the coolest things I have ever heard. You could see past the city when looking East and then to the west you had a very pretty view of Red Rocks and Morrison. Morrison is a very small town right on the edge of the foothills that reminds me of a town out of a movie. 
The historic Town of Morrison is a Home Rule Municipality in Jefferson County, Colorado, United States. The population was 430 at the 2000 census. It is notably where Red Rocks Amphitheatre is located. In 1877, the holotypic remains of the dinosaurs Stegosaurus armatus and Apatosaurus ajax were discovered in and near Morrison by Arthur Lakes. The majority of these fossils were shipped to O.C. Marsh at Yale's Peabody Museum of Natural History in New Haven, Connecticut. These finds from the Morrison area figured in the 19th century "Bone Wars" between rival paleontologists Edward Drinker Cope and Othniel Charles Marsh. Eventually, the late Jurassic section of sedimentary rock excavated by Lakes was dubbed the Morrison Formation in honor of the town. The Morrison Natural History Museum in Morrison houses and displays some fossils found by Lakes and has begun reworking Lakes' original digs. In 2006, the MNHM reported rare adult Stegosaurus tracks from the Morrison area. A year later the first hatchling Stegosaurus tracks were reported. These fossils are on display at the Morrison Natural History Museum.
Cretaceous age dinosaur tracks and one of Lakes' historic dig sites can still be viewed on what is now known as Dinosaur Ridge east of Morrison.

Song of the Day:
Sublime - Badfish

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day Seventeen 1/17/11

Original Art
I am lucky to say that I am mixed in with a family of artists. Everything on my walls is original art.
This piece of art is one of my moms water colors. She told me the trend in her art class was to paint the 'doors of Reading.' (Reading was the town I grew up in and the colored doors were a popular subject) So my mom decided to do something different and go into our basement and grab some of the beer cans that have been collected from our great grandfather and stack them, and then paint them.
From time to time, I will post some of the original art that I am lucky enough to have. Song of the day is dedicated to my mom, because one time I caught her playing air-guitar to it when we were washing the cars.... I think of her every time I hear it. 

Song of the Day:
Pink Floyd - Money

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Sixteen 1/16/11

Victory Lap
I started my online Dog Grooming school in June of 2010 and after 9 long stages of studying and testing, I finished my last stage today! Next up is my hands on extern-ship and then I am a certified groomer. 
I have been lucky enough to dog walk here in Colorado and it all worked out that most of the walks are coming to an end, and as sad as it is to me, it will give me some free time do work on my grooming skills and look for that perfect job where I can groom and keep walking dogs. I really do adore it, and when walks like today are just Dakota and I, it's when I am the happiest having some good old one on one time with my very easy buddy. I call today's walk a Victory Lap for all I have accomplished in the last 8 months. I am very proud to say where I am in life. 

Song of the Day:
Citizen Cope: Let The Drummer Kick

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day Fifteen 1/15/11

Clouds are so pretty here.
A cloud is a visible mass of water droplets or frozen ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of the Earth or other planetary body. Clouds in the Earth's atmosphere are studied in the nephology or cloud physics branch of meteorology. This article concentrates mainly on clouds that form in the troposphere, the lowest layer of the Earth's atmosphere where most of the world's weather is generated. 
Cold air holds less water vapor than warm air, so clouds are formed when the air is lifted and cooled to the point at which it begins to shed vapor it can no longer retain. This is the saturation temperature which is also known as the dewpoint temperature. The altitude of the saturation level determines the altitude of the cloud base. The vapor begins to condense onto airborne hygroscopic particles like dust and salt from sea spray and becomes visible as cloud. Very small water droplets form at lower altitudes below the freezing level and ice crystals or sometimes supercooled water droplets at higher altitudes. This process of cooling and condensation continues until the air achieves temperature equilibrium with the surrounding atmosphere and stops rising. The altitude of equilibrium tends to determine the altitude of the cloud tops, although if the vertical air currents have become very strong, momentum can push the tops to even higher altitudes.
The droplets or crystals that make up a cloud are typically about 0.01 mm (0.00039 in) in diameter. If these continue to grow in size, a process facilitated by strong upward lift and abundant condensation particles, they will eventually become too large and heavy to be supported by the upward air currents and fall to the ground as precipitation. If sufficient condensation nuclei are not present at and above the saturation level, the rising air becomes supersaturated and the formation of cloud is inhibited. The most common agents of upward motion causing condensation are spontaneous convective lift caused by daytime solar heating of unstable air at surface level, lift along a weather front or around a cyclonic low pressure area (anticyclonic in the southern hemisphere) that forces a stable or unstable airmass ro rise over top of a cooler airmass, and orographic lift of the air over mountains.
Colder air at surface level absorbs less moisture than warm air and thus tends to be more stable. If this type of airmass moves over water, it may become more unstable and subject to spontaneous convective lift; otherwise it requires the external forces of frontal, orographic, or cyclonic lift to trigger cloud formation. At the other extreme, if an airmass that is already warm and unstable is subjected to the additional forces of a strong external lifting agent like a fast moving cold front, the results can be explosive with very powerful air currents resulting in the formation of severe thunderstorms and tornado's.
This post is for Kyle Silfee. He loves the Colorado clouds. 

Song of the Day:
Broken Bells: The High Road

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day Fourteen 1/14/11

South Lake at Wash Park
Today I hit Wash Park again and ventured down to South Lake and it was just as beautiful as Smith Lake. There were lots of dogs being walked today, but I can always get a nice peaceful picture of scenery somewhere in Denver. As big as this city is, the wide variety of open space and parks is bigger.
Today it was 54 degrees on the walk. 
I am busy busy today, so enjoy the pic of the day!

Song of the Day:
Ween: Did You See Me?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day Thirteen 1/13/11

Blue Bird Skies
Denver receives over 300 days of sunshine a year.
Colorado's sunny, temperate climate makes year-round outdoor recreation possible. With 40 state parks and 3 national parks in metro Denver's back yard, prime recreation opportunities abound for biking, hiking, camping, fishing, or skiing.
More than 75 public and private golf courses are located in Metro Denver. 25 world-class ski resorts are within 100 miles of the metro Denver area.
The city and County of Denver has the largest city park system in the nation with 205 parks within the Denver city limits. Over 20,000 acres of parks are located in the nearby mountains. Counties throughout metro Denver have preserved over 100,000 acres as open space for future generations to enjoy.
Denver is built on high plains and is one of the flattest of all American cities.
The largest of the hundreds of natural lakes in Colorado is Grand Lake, which is almost one full square mile. There are also nearly 2000 larger man-made lakes in Colorado.
Colorado earns its nickname "Mother of Rivers" because more major rivers have their source in Colorado than in any other state. 
Colorado's southwest corner borders Arizona, New Mexico & Utah, the only place in America where the corners of four states meet.
The world's largest natural hot springs pool is located in Glenwood Springs.
With an average elevation of about 6800 feet, Colorado is the highest of all the states.

Song of the Day:
Cold War Kids: Robbers

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day Twelve 1/12/11

Apex Trail
I have this Dog walking book that a friend got me. Walkin The Dog: Denver
It's the 50 best dog walks to do in Denver, Co. And I love it.
Today Tyler and I took Dakota and Niobe to the Apex Trail in Golden, and it is a trail that walks through the canyons up to Lookout Mountain Hill. The hike is a 1,000 foot elevation gain on rocky terrain, or in our case, a snowy trail, and took us about 3 hours up, and 30 minutes down.....
We were lucky enough to have the dogs off leash, or as I like to call it 'Free Bird.' So they ran up and down the trails with their tails waggin. We saw two sets of deer on the walk and got to witness the sunset on the east side of the Canyon on the hike back. 
What's great about this book, is that she tells you exactly what you need to know, how hard the trails are, if there are public restrooms, leash laws and how the long the walk will be. It is my goal to do every walk in this book. So far I have done 5 of them and each one has been an amazing walk or hike. 
I took so many picture today and I couldn't help but to pick an action picture of Niobe and Dakota, because they had an absolute blast with huge smiles the whole three and half hours!

Song of the Day:
Band Of Horses: Older

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day Eleven 1/11/11

Happy 1/11/11!
I am lucky to be able to live on the edge of Sister Park which connects to Bear Creek Greenbelt Park. 
It is a frequent walk for us and it's a fun place to watch the Prairie Dogs, the Hawks and view the Foothills. 
I really like the Lakewood area, it has everything to offer and not far from downtown. I was never a city girl and I will never be a city girl, so moving out here was a good choice. 
So Happy 1/11/11 everyone! My mom would be loving all these 11:11 days this year!

Song of the Day: 
Rodrigo y Gabriela: 11:11

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Ten 1/10/11

The IPA Fan
If you know me, you know I am an IPA fan. And there is nothing better than the variety of IPA that Denver, Colorado offers. The Great Divide Brewing Company's Titan IPA is definitely on my 'Top 5 best IPA' list.. 
Great Divide Brewing Company was founded by Brian Dunn in 1994 in Denver, Colorado, USA. Three months after brewing its first batch of beer, it won the first of the brewery's twelveGreat American Beer Festival and four World Beer Cup awards. By 2007, Great Divide was ranked by as the 23rd best brewery in the world with three of the world's top 100 beers. In December 2008, Beer Advocate magazine ranked them as the seventh best brewery on the planet. 
Due to a 45% increase in sales in 2007, the brewery was forced to expand. In September 2008, Great Divide opened a new brewery that tripled its production. At the same time, they changed the art on all of their labels.
Great Divide Brewing Company was founded with the notion of brewing strong beers, which are defined as having an alcohol content greater than 7%. Six of the thirteen beers made by Great Divide in 2006 exceeded this threshold, and one, Old Ruffian, has over 10.2% alcohol content, which is twice that of America's top selling beer Budweiser.
When Invesco Field, the home of the Denver Broncos, opened in 2001, Great Divide's Denver Pale Ale (DPA) was one of only three craft beers selected to be sold at the stadium. Dunn indicated that Denver Pale Ale was selected because it had won more national and international awards than any other Colorado beer. In 2000, Denver chef Bill Clifford made a Braised DPA Lamb Shank for the White House Tree Lighting Ceremony. In 1997, Great Divide beer was used in the NBC miniseries Asteroid.

Song of the Day:
Two Door Cinema Club: Something Good Can Work (The Twelves Remix)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day Nine 1/9/11

Puppy Paws
Dakota was not my dog originally. When I lived in Lancaster, PA I had a friend that wanted a dog, so I helped him find a breeder in the area and when we went to this small farm, there were two Yellow Labs left, a male and a female. The female was smaller and had some heart problems and the male was white as snow, so the decision was made. One the way home, the friend asked me what I thought the name would be and I was a Graphic Designer at the time and I liked the font name Dakota. Second decision was made. I helped out with Dakota so much the first couple weeks and would take him home with me and my mom would constantly ask me if Dakota was really my dog because I brought a lot of animals home in my life, so it was hard for her to believe me when I told her no. One day my friend called me and told me that he couldn't keep Dakota any more because he worked so much and didn't like all the the dog hair. Plus trying to train a puppy is hard on anyone. So I called my mom and told her what was happening and she told me that I would be crazy not to take Dakota because he was such a great dog already. There it was, Dakota was mine. Third, and the best, decision was made. We lived in Lancaster for 4 years together and Dakota went to work with me everyday and slept either on my lap or under the desk. He was very welcomed by everyone and I was lucky to have the opportunity to be able to have him with me so much. We would always walk the Susquehanna River with a bunch of other Labs and one winter on a walk I could hear a cry and when I looked back Dakota was caught in some rapids. So I did what most dog owners would do, I jumped in the river and got my dog out. 
Dakota I moved back home when I was 27 to take care of my sick mom and we lived there for about a year and then moved into a gorgeous house in Wyomissing. I went to Alaska for a wedding and Dakota stayed with my little sister and her dad and I got a call when I was in Denali that Dakota was hit by a car, long story short, Dakota didn't have any broken bones or internal bleeding and bounced back pretty fast. With all the test results we found out that he had Lime disease and then he was put on a heavy dosage of prescription to knock out the strong strain of it. It worked, but he will always have it. One of the side effects is seizures and he does have them, but not often. I feel they are more from his separation anxiety, more than anything because of the timing of them, usually when I get back from a vacation or a big life style change, or just being gone for the weekend. I can usually call when he is going to have one at this point, but all in all they are very minor, but still breaks my heart when he has them. 
After three years in Wyomissing, we moved to West Lawn for two years and then we moved to Shillington into a house with two other dogs, a Golden Retriever, Khaki, and a Beagle, Sawyer. It was amazing year and it was the first time Dakota lived with other dogs and they were the three best friends that anyone could ever have. After out lease was up is when I decided to make a big move and come to Colorado. 
So here we are, taking amazing hikes, walks and meeting new friends to add to the wolfpack almost daily.
Dakota has been an absolute pleasure to have in my life. He is not only the sweetest most well behaved dog, but he has been my best buddy and lights up my life more than I could of ever imagine. I believe that he was put in my life for a reason and I will always look at Dakota as my puppy that I have loved and adored for more than 11 years now. I also believe that he has 9 lives and at this point in his life, he still has five left. I am cool with that. He made it this far. 

Song of the Day:
Coldplay: Shiver

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day Eight 1/8/11

All In The Eye
Photo taken by Romain Eric Bedel
If you look really close, you can see Romain and Courtney in Sadie's eye. 
We all took a great walk at Bear Creek Regional Park today. Of course the weather was amazing and all four dogs had a blast. Bear Creek Park has everything from horseback riding to trails to lakes for boating. The park has 5 reservable park shelters, 47 campsites with electricity, educational nature programs, a visitor center, 3 lakes, 15 miles of dirt trails for biking and hiking and 2,600 acres stretching almost 3 miles.
This park is about a 7 minute drive for me. I have a feeling I will be there a lot this summer.

Song of the Day:
Harry Nilsson: Everybody's Talkin'

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Seven 1/7/11

Stronger and Stronger
Mongo and Precious are two Blue Nose Pitbulls that I have been walking for over two months now and they were my true test as a dog  walker. Sweet as can be, these dogs are too strong for their own good and have pretty much walked me every walk. 
It is a shame that Denver does not allow Pitbulls in most towns and where I live is the only place you can own a Pitbull. Most dog walkers refuse to walk them. I have been stopped by the cops twice already.
On Monday, May 9, 2005, the Denver Division of Animal Control began enforcing a city-wide ban on owning pit bull terriers, and initiated an aggressive campaign of seizing beloved family pets, and killing them against their owner's will.
This ordinance is an indiscriminate ban that demands the eradication and disposal of ALL dogs that are classified as pit bulls or pit bull mixes, even if the dog has never done anything wrong, and consistently remains confined to the owner's property.
Dog owners who refuse to surrender their pets face up to a year in jail and a $999 fine.
Pitbulls get a bad wrap. And it is not their fault. It will always be the owners fault for not training them correctly. They are so eager to learn and please you that they are one of the easiest breeds to work with. That's where the dog fights come in, they are so easy to train to fight that the breed is targeted for such gambling. The dog owners of these mean dogs are to blame. Not the dog. So next time you see someone walking one of these amazing dogs, don't jump to conclusion, don't let them fall into the stereotypical image that we started in the first place. I have gotten these looks from people when I walk Mongo and Precious. And every bad look I get, breaks my heart. The humane race needs to own up to this abuse, what makes us any better than these dogs. We are all put on the same earth, they have every right to be here as much as we do. 

Song of the Day:
Bartender Song (Sittin' at a Bar:) Rehab

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day Six 1/6/11

At Smith Lake, everyone gets along.
I walk a Yellow Lab, Daisy, around Smith Lake in Washington Park or 'Wash Park' as the locals call it. This lake is not only beautiful and has a gorgeous view of the mountains, but it is a great place to bird watch. From Geese, Pigeons, Ducks to Seagulls, Doves and Crows, this lake is a local watering hole for all colors and kinds that don't seem to have a problem with personal space. They all hang out together.
Washington Park was initially designed by the German landscape architect Reinhard Schuetze between 1899 and 1908. His design remains fairly intact and included Smith and Grasmere lakes, and the Lily Pond, all fed with a city ditch that Shuetze had edged with Russian willows and other trees. Other pieces of his design remain intact and include the large meadow edged with a grove of trees to the south of Smith Lake, and the carriage-ways that meander through the park.
The park includes several trails, including one that goes around the perimeter of the park, tennis courts, 
a lawn bowling/croquet field, and two playgrounds. A recreation center with an indoor pool, free weights, and other athletic facilities is also located in the park. Smith Lake has a boathouse that can be rented out for various events.
The park is also known for its flower gardens, which include 54 flower beds in an informal arrangement. One garden is an exact replica of Martha Washington's garden at Mt. Vernon.The Washington Park neighborhood is one of the oldest in Denver and includes many early twentieth century brick houses.
In other words, the park is absolutely lovely and the neighborhood reminds me of places in Pennsylvania. It has amazing views of sunsets and the sounds of the birds is magical.

Song of the Day
The Verve:Bittersweet Symphony

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Five 1/5/11

Crash and Burn
I first put my ad as a dog walker on craigslist. The very first email I got was from a woman with two Jack Russells. She lived in Wheat Ridge, so I drove to her place for an interview and when I walked into her home, there they were, two small dogs, jumping on me, kissing me and running around like they knew why I was there. The owner said thier names when I was asking her questions so I could get to know the dogs better, and after a couple of questions it hit me of what thier names were. Crash and Burn. So fitting. 
We walk to the same park everytime, I believe to get the best walk, you must keep the path constant everytime. That way the smells are basically the same, they know where to look for squirells and after a while they relax and know that we are walking, not hunting squirells. This worked out very well with these two dogs and for my first dog walking job in Colorado, I patted myself on the back.
Funny Experience: One brisk morning the dogs and I walked out the front door and down the steep driveway, and we all went down, there was a sheet of ice that I didn't see and we were all like fish out of water. Crash got his feeting first and pulled Burn and I down the rest of the driveway. I still wonder if anyone saw us all Crash and Burn that morning. It would of been a good laugh.
It's been over two months and I enjoy walking Crash and Burn, I enjoy dog walking more than anything else in my life, and I will always look back at these two small, lovable Jack Russells as my first dog walking job that made me fall in love with being a Dog Walker in Denver, Colorado.
There is a picture of both of them and one of Crash trying to get a squirrel. I truly believe that Crash believes that if he gets that tree down, the squirrel will come with it. And he is right. But little does he know, that he is not a Beaver and it will take him weeks to chew through the trunk of that tree.

Song of the Day:
Spoon: I Summon You 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day Four 1/4/11

There is nothing like new friends.
This is Tyler and his pup Niobe, a 6 year old black Lab.
Niobe wondered into Tyler's life when she was a puppy and when no one would claim her, Tyler gave her a loving home. We took a beautiful walk around the Cherry Creek Lake today and like every other day in Colorado, we had amazing weather and gorgeous views of the Rockies while the dogs ran free.
Today Niobe joined the Wolfpack. Welcome sweet girl!

Song of the Day:
Band of Horses - Loredo

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day Three 1/3/11

Sadie gets the pic of the day. 
She is part of our Wolfpack and we all adore her.
Sadie likes long walks, and fetching anything you can throw. I was lucky enough to come to Colorado and meet her owner Mr. Chris Douglas who has become an amazing friend. 
Tonight Sadie chilled while I cut Chris's hair. Sadie and Dakota are best friends.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day Two 1/2/11

We have a new member in the Wolfpack!
I introduce to you Byrd, the 3 month old Australian Shepard. 
Byrd was adopted today by Courtney Haag and Kyle Silfee from the Boulder Animal Shelter. Donnie, the Hairless Cat, or Sphynx, has been part of the family for over a year and now has a new sister. 
We welcome Byrd with open arms and are glad she is now part of the gang. 
She has a great new home and will surely be loved. 
Congrats Kyle and Courtney!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day One. 1/1/11

Here we are. 
Dakota and I in the amazing state of Colorado. I am starting a Blog of my Dog Walking/Grooming, my Photography, my Music and basically my Life in this beautiful part of the country. This picture was taking on 1/1/11. I am ready to start one of the best years of my life. I hope you enjoy it with me!

Song of the D: 
MGMT - Time To Pretend