Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day Nine 1/9/11

Puppy Paws
Dakota was not my dog originally. When I lived in Lancaster, PA I had a friend that wanted a dog, so I helped him find a breeder in the area and when we went to this small farm, there were two Yellow Labs left, a male and a female. The female was smaller and had some heart problems and the male was white as snow, so the decision was made. One the way home, the friend asked me what I thought the name would be and I was a Graphic Designer at the time and I liked the font name Dakota. Second decision was made. I helped out with Dakota so much the first couple weeks and would take him home with me and my mom would constantly ask me if Dakota was really my dog because I brought a lot of animals home in my life, so it was hard for her to believe me when I told her no. One day my friend called me and told me that he couldn't keep Dakota any more because he worked so much and didn't like all the the dog hair. Plus trying to train a puppy is hard on anyone. So I called my mom and told her what was happening and she told me that I would be crazy not to take Dakota because he was such a great dog already. There it was, Dakota was mine. Third, and the best, decision was made. We lived in Lancaster for 4 years together and Dakota went to work with me everyday and slept either on my lap or under the desk. He was very welcomed by everyone and I was lucky to have the opportunity to be able to have him with me so much. We would always walk the Susquehanna River with a bunch of other Labs and one winter on a walk I could hear a cry and when I looked back Dakota was caught in some rapids. So I did what most dog owners would do, I jumped in the river and got my dog out. 
Dakota I moved back home when I was 27 to take care of my sick mom and we lived there for about a year and then moved into a gorgeous house in Wyomissing. I went to Alaska for a wedding and Dakota stayed with my little sister and her dad and I got a call when I was in Denali that Dakota was hit by a car, long story short, Dakota didn't have any broken bones or internal bleeding and bounced back pretty fast. With all the test results we found out that he had Lime disease and then he was put on a heavy dosage of prescription to knock out the strong strain of it. It worked, but he will always have it. One of the side effects is seizures and he does have them, but not often. I feel they are more from his separation anxiety, more than anything because of the timing of them, usually when I get back from a vacation or a big life style change, or just being gone for the weekend. I can usually call when he is going to have one at this point, but all in all they are very minor, but still breaks my heart when he has them. 
After three years in Wyomissing, we moved to West Lawn for two years and then we moved to Shillington into a house with two other dogs, a Golden Retriever, Khaki, and a Beagle, Sawyer. It was amazing year and it was the first time Dakota lived with other dogs and they were the three best friends that anyone could ever have. After out lease was up is when I decided to make a big move and come to Colorado. 
So here we are, taking amazing hikes, walks and meeting new friends to add to the wolfpack almost daily.
Dakota has been an absolute pleasure to have in my life. He is not only the sweetest most well behaved dog, but he has been my best buddy and lights up my life more than I could of ever imagine. I believe that he was put in my life for a reason and I will always look at Dakota as my puppy that I have loved and adored for more than 11 years now. I also believe that he has 9 lives and at this point in his life, he still has five left. I am cool with that. He made it this far. 

Song of the Day:
Coldplay: Shiver

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