Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day Five 1/5/11

Crash and Burn
I first put my ad as a dog walker on craigslist. The very first email I got was from a woman with two Jack Russells. She lived in Wheat Ridge, so I drove to her place for an interview and when I walked into her home, there they were, two small dogs, jumping on me, kissing me and running around like they knew why I was there. The owner said thier names when I was asking her questions so I could get to know the dogs better, and after a couple of questions it hit me of what thier names were. Crash and Burn. So fitting. 
We walk to the same park everytime, I believe to get the best walk, you must keep the path constant everytime. That way the smells are basically the same, they know where to look for squirells and after a while they relax and know that we are walking, not hunting squirells. This worked out very well with these two dogs and for my first dog walking job in Colorado, I patted myself on the back.
Funny Experience: One brisk morning the dogs and I walked out the front door and down the steep driveway, and we all went down, there was a sheet of ice that I didn't see and we were all like fish out of water. Crash got his feeting first and pulled Burn and I down the rest of the driveway. I still wonder if anyone saw us all Crash and Burn that morning. It would of been a good laugh.
It's been over two months and I enjoy walking Crash and Burn, I enjoy dog walking more than anything else in my life, and I will always look back at these two small, lovable Jack Russells as my first dog walking job that made me fall in love with being a Dog Walker in Denver, Colorado.
There is a picture of both of them and one of Crash trying to get a squirrel. I truly believe that Crash believes that if he gets that tree down, the squirrel will come with it. And he is right. But little does he know, that he is not a Beaver and it will take him weeks to chew through the trunk of that tree.

Song of the Day:
Spoon: I Summon You