Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day Twenty Three 1/23/11

Good Luck Lindsay
So being back in a restaurant has it's ups and downs, but when it really comes down to it, I always meet amazing people. I was lucky enough to have a job here in Denver that I really do enjoy, and the people I work with make it that much better. Lindsay had a going away party tonight and I can't help but to look back at the big move I made to Colorado, and be so excited for her to make a move to California. So today's post is dedicated to Lindsay and I wish her nothing but the best and I hope she enjoys CA as much as I enjoy CO. A change is always a good thing, and it takes a lot to get up and follow your dreams. 
Lindsay is the blonde in the middle of this group pic. Good luck girl!

Song of the Day:
Beastie Boys - So What Cha Want

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