Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day Sixteen 1/16/11

Victory Lap
I started my online Dog Grooming school in June of 2010 and after 9 long stages of studying and testing, I finished my last stage today! Next up is my hands on extern-ship and then I am a certified groomer. 
I have been lucky enough to dog walk here in Colorado and it all worked out that most of the walks are coming to an end, and as sad as it is to me, it will give me some free time do work on my grooming skills and look for that perfect job where I can groom and keep walking dogs. I really do adore it, and when walks like today are just Dakota and I, it's when I am the happiest having some good old one on one time with my very easy buddy. I call today's walk a Victory Lap for all I have accomplished in the last 8 months. I am very proud to say where I am in life. 

Song of the Day:
Citizen Cope: Let The Drummer Kick

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