Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Twenty Four 1/24/11

Tree Hugger
I don't know what it is about trees. I think they are so cool, especially when they stand alone in a field with an open sky around them. Dakota and I walked all of Greenbelt today and I am glad I finally did it, there are so many paths to choose from and we walked the horse trails which puts you by the streams in the woods. We saw a lot of Hawks, and one of these days I will get an amazing picture of one, but today they were soaring through the sky pretty high up, so it was a no-go. As dry and bare everything is in these parks during the winter, I still think the scenery is breathtaking. I am really looking forward to Spring and Summer, just to be able to see everything in bloom out here is going to be a sight I know it. But for now, I will take the naked tree up against the blue Colorado sky. 

Song of the Day:
The Roots - The Seed 2.0

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