Friday, January 21, 2011

Day Twenty One 1/21/11

National Squirrel Appreciation Day
What the. Sometimes I think I might have heard it all and then days like this are announced. The squirrels in my backyard and very friendly little fellas. Sometimes I feel like they are too friendly and wait for them to jump on my back Christmas Vacation style. A lot of the neighbors feed these little guys and for some reason they like to bring most of the food onto my patio and leave the left overs. I really don't mind them at all. To me they are very pretty brown squirrels that are fearless and rule Sister Park. Being able to have the blinds open and watch them play and jump the trees is a pleasure. So on this day, the National Squirrel Appreciation Day, maybe we should all forget about what a pain in the ass they really can be, and think of the good times squirrels have given us, like when one was chasing his own tail the other day and gave me a great laugh. Here is a site for you to check out.,0

Song of the Day:
Eddie Vedder, Into the Wild Soundtrack: Hard Sun
(Which by the way is an amazing movie and if you have yet to see it, I highly recommend it.)