Saturday, January 29, 2011

Day Twenty Eight 1/28/11

<-----Jackass Hill
So I drive through this intersection every time I go to work, and I am sorry, but it is just too funny to me. Can you imagine living on this street, this being your actually address? I grew up in the land of towns called 'Intercourse' 'Blueball' and 'Bird In Hand' but I think this one takes the cake. I took some nice scenery pictures today but this sign cracks me up every time I drive by it, so I had to use it. Apparently this sign is stolen every month and they have to replace it... really? Someone would steal this sign? I did notice today that there is a camera installed above it now. So we will see if it is stolen again. I have to admit... 15 years ago, I might of been one of those kids that had this sign on their wall. 

Song of the Day
Matt Costa: Miss Magnolia


  1. There was a street/sign in the town of Jefferson Oregon named "Jethro Tull"... It now hangs on the wall in my den! :O)
