Friday, January 7, 2011

Day Seven 1/7/11

Stronger and Stronger
Mongo and Precious are two Blue Nose Pitbulls that I have been walking for over two months now and they were my true test as a dog  walker. Sweet as can be, these dogs are too strong for their own good and have pretty much walked me every walk. 
It is a shame that Denver does not allow Pitbulls in most towns and where I live is the only place you can own a Pitbull. Most dog walkers refuse to walk them. I have been stopped by the cops twice already.
On Monday, May 9, 2005, the Denver Division of Animal Control began enforcing a city-wide ban on owning pit bull terriers, and initiated an aggressive campaign of seizing beloved family pets, and killing them against their owner's will.
This ordinance is an indiscriminate ban that demands the eradication and disposal of ALL dogs that are classified as pit bulls or pit bull mixes, even if the dog has never done anything wrong, and consistently remains confined to the owner's property.
Dog owners who refuse to surrender their pets face up to a year in jail and a $999 fine.
Pitbulls get a bad wrap. And it is not their fault. It will always be the owners fault for not training them correctly. They are so eager to learn and please you that they are one of the easiest breeds to work with. That's where the dog fights come in, they are so easy to train to fight that the breed is targeted for such gambling. The dog owners of these mean dogs are to blame. Not the dog. So next time you see someone walking one of these amazing dogs, don't jump to conclusion, don't let them fall into the stereotypical image that we started in the first place. I have gotten these looks from people when I walk Mongo and Precious. And every bad look I get, breaks my heart. The humane race needs to own up to this abuse, what makes us any better than these dogs. We are all put on the same earth, they have every right to be here as much as we do. 

Song of the Day:
Bartender Song (Sittin' at a Bar:) Rehab


  1. WOW!!! That is a crime!! As I sit here on my couch looking down at my Pitbull Hazel sleeping and puppy dreaming, I am crying. I am crying because it truely breaks my heart for the dog owners whose dogs are snatched from them by the pure ignorance of people. I am grateful to you for posting this because now I am making it my mission to spread awareness of the love and kindness that are in Pitbulls hearts! Funny how we don't terminate the human race for murdering, rapeing, torturing, kidnapping other humans. A dogs life is not so trivial as to "terminate" their life because the lack of education! I would kill before someone took my Hazel from me!

  2. I couldn't of said it any better Jenn!
