Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day Twenty Seven 1/27/11

Ode To The Sunset
I admit it. I am completely obsessed with sunsets. If you know me, you know this is true. If you have been to the beach with me, you know I always give a countdown to when it is going to happen. I don't mind watching them with company or alone. Growing up on the mountain we didn't see many sunsets, but my mom and I would walk up to the hill to catch one every once in a while. It wasn't until we started going to the Outer Banks, North Carolina 20 years ago, that my mom and I hit the jackpot of all sunsets. It is the reason we always got a house on the bay side, where you couldn't see the  mainland, so it was a perfect view every time. I have some of the best memories sitting on the deck with a Beck's beer, my mom and the family that was with us, watching the most amazing sunsets. So coming out here, has been an absolute treasure of sunsets for me. Especially since I can see them right from my back yard. I actually drove to get this shot tonight, it wasn't a far drive. I just knew this lake, that I drove by every once in a while, would be a great spot to watch it over the foothills with no houses or highways. So here is tonight's sunset. And I want to wish a Happy Birthday to Wendy Harris and Andrew Burgess. Two great friends. 

Song of the Day:
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
(Here ya go Andrew)

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