Monday, February 28, 2011

Day Fifty Nine 2/28/11

Last Day Of February Sunset
Beautiful right? 
This was taken in the parking lot at work. I ran out at the right time to get this picture tonight.
I love how when the sun goes down past the Rockies, it hits the clouds and makes them glow the most amazing colors. Working nights I haven't been able to see a lot of sunsets it was nice to catch one.
So it is Baseball Season and I am super excited for it. I am excited to hit some Rockies games! In August they play the Phillies... so I won't miss that game.

Song of the Day:
Vampire Weekend - M79

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day Fifty Eight 2/27/11

Best Meal Ever
I have said it before and I will say it again, if I had to pick one meal for the rest of my life, this would be it.
I could never be a Vegetarian because I love burgers so much. There are so many great burger places out here, and the Cricket Burger is amazing, but I look forward to hitting a couple other places in Denver for a good burger. This is an Old Chicago burger and it was so awesome, and I said was, because it is gone. I didn't waste anytime after I took this picture. It's all I wanted when I came home from work. 
Song of the day is a song I heard at work today and it has the best memory of a bunch of us dancing around the pool table at the OBX one night. I will never forget how hard I laughed that night. I love this song for that reason. 

Song of the Day:
David Bowie - Let's Dance

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day Fifty Seven 2/26/11

William Hayden Green Mountain Park
Well it's official, I have sunglass marks on my face like the rest of the Coloradans. So does that means I am officially a Coloradan also? Eh' what am I saying.. of course I am! What a beautiful day for a hike, there was a perfect amount of sun and wind. It took us about an hour and a half to get up to the top, and the views were perfect. You could see the Rockies to the west and the city to the east. This weekend was actually suppose to have pretty crappy weather, but like always, the weather forecast was way off. Lucky us. Now I have a little sunburn again, feels good.
Byrd and Dakota had a blast and both got as dirty as possible, oh a dogs world.

Song of the Day:
Band of Horses - On My Way Back Home

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day Fifty Six 2/25/11

Cloudy Day On The front Range
Our walk was cold today. Nothing too exciting to take pics of with this weather. These barriers crack me up because they are suppose to keep the Prairie Dogs out of a certain area, but as you can see, it doesn't help, they should just take them down. Just sayin.

Song of the Day:
Rolling Stones - Paint It Black

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day Fifty Five 2/24/11

Just Beat It
Ah.. Just Dance on Wii is super fun.
I would play Just Dance when I was a Nanny and I got my butt kicked by a 5 and 7 year old daily. I think I held my own a lot of the time. And it is a great workout. 
Sydney and Abe are dancing to Michael Jackson's just dance... and they did a great job, but I refuse to dance to Michael Jackson, I don't have strong opinions on a lot of things, but I do about him. I think there are too many celebrities that have done horrible things and are still loved because they are a celebrity. Way to live a life of sin and get paid millions for it. That's my opinion. Just sayin.
I am not a Michael Jackson fan obviously, so he will not get the song of the day, today, or any other day. 
As you can see, Dakota is not a fan either. 

Song of the Day:
Wilco - Outtasite (Outta Mind)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day Fifty Four 2/23/11

Matthews Winter Park
Dakota and I jumped in the jeep today to find a new hike, I knew if I drove over towards Red Rocks I would find something, and I did. All ya have to do is drive around the mountains and look for the 'hikers crossing' signs, and eventually you will run into a parking lot where some paths start. I really loved this hike, it was so nice out and we made it as far as the ice made us turn around, even though some runners and bikers went through it, I was only wearing my sneakers so we ended up taking this path that Dakota is on in the pic up to the top of one of the foothills and it was really pretty. Dakota and I had a blast on this hike together.
I have to tell this story, and I am sorry if it offends anyone, but it mad me laugh. I usually take my headphones to listen to music, but I know the areas where Pandora will not work, since my phone is using the internet, no music for me today. So I am on the side of this canyon and I am hiking down to a sharp turn and there are three runners on the other side making their way towards me. Well with the conversation bouncing off the canyons, it was a really loud and I heard everything he is saying, while he is running, and shouting it so his friends can here. This is pretty much what he said "After my operation, I wake up still drowsy from the Anesthesia and I have the biggest boner I have ever had in my life, and it is taped to my stomach, and it's taped to the side, so I'm like 'Yo nurse, why is my boner taped to the side of my stomach?' and she goes 'So you don't piss on your face.'"
It was like he was telling a joke, but his friends weren't laughing. But I did, and so did the hikers in front of me and behind me. They eventually ran by me, and I held my tongue.. 
I got great pics today, but I loved this one the most, that sweet face on my hiking buddy is priceless. 

Song of the Day:
My Morning Jacket - I'm Amazed

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day Fifty Three 2/22/11

Jack Russell Kinda Fire Hydrant
Ideally it would of been pretty funny to get Crash peeing on this small fire hydrant, but there was a squirrel near by so they were not interested in it at all. It was nice to walk these guys again now that I have a car again, Crash found a tennis ball on the walk and carried it the whole time and Burn found a Squirrel's tail, which was disposed of right away. It was pretty nasty. 
I miss all my dog walks, it's such a great job to have. Not only do I get to be outside and take walks with these dogs I have grown to love, but to get paid for it.. It's the perfect job. I can't wait to get back into it this spring and really get some regular clients that I can also groom. What a great excuse to wear sweatpants everyday and not worry about how my hair and nails look. Yeah I have to pick up poop and deal with some situation liking falling on my ass, but who cares, I would rather have dog poop on my hand some days than sit in an office all day and hate my job. Everyone should do what they love, it's pretty easy if you plan on going after it. My friend TJ loves to sing country and plays all the time in Berks County. Here is a video of him singing his heart out!

Song of the Day:
TJ Bebb - In Color (Jamey Johnson Cover)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day Fifty Two 2/21/11

Harriman Lake Park
The wind died down finally today so we took a nice walk at Harriman Lake. 
It is so nice to have so many nice sunny days in Denver. It's weird not having rain, and hardly any snow. 
But I like it. I like it a lot. 
I am enjoying a day off today. 

Song of the Day:
Radio Head - Karma Police

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day Fifty One 2/20/11

Three Best Friends
I can't imagine living a life without a dog, let alone all the dogs around me. Dakota, Byrd and Sadie are so great together. We all have to understand that dogs want to be in a pack together and the earlier we do it, the better it is. Socializing our dogs is what they need, it is their instinct to work and be together. If you think about it, we do the same thing, we surround ourselves with people we want to run in a group with, we feel comfortable with each other and keep coming back for more. Whether it's our own flesh and blood or people that we have bonded with through out the years, it seems to happen naturally to us as we get older. That's the way dogs are, they also like to be in that social interaction that makes us feel so normal. I am lucky to have so many of those groups in my life, and here in Colorado, I have an amazing pack of friends that are like a family to me. We all need it, and we all thrive off of it. There is nothing better than being 100% relaxed around the people we adore and trust. I feel that way about my family, I miss them, but I know I will be around them again. 

Song of the Day:
Surfer Blood - Floating Vibes

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day Fifty 2/19/11

Dear Carlos
I missed you. So much. 
Carlos got a good washin after I picked him up. I think it is funny how we name our cars, well at least I do. We had a red pickup truck growing up and it's name was Nelly. I think it all originates from the fact that my dad gave everything a nickname.. and to this day, things still get nicknames. Most of you know that I have been Beany my whole life, and I love it, I really do, but it is nice to be called by my real name now.. at 34 years old. My sister had the worst, she was Shitbird. It was what my dad's drill sergeant called him in Vietnam. Ross was nicknamed Benny from Benny Hill, but is also called Waldo and Yugla and Chad was nicknamed Beaker from The Muppets, but most of us call him Chud now 
In college everyone called each other by their last names, I was usually Scrotum or Screwball.. so I hope you can all see why I am happy being called Jess in Colorado. Dakota has many nicknames, from Koots to Spongebob Kooter Pants, or as my dad likes to call him Stanley Steamer..
50 days into the blog and I am proud of myself for sticking with it, maybe the blog will eventually have a nickname.. who knows, we will see.
Carlos got his nickname from the movie The Hangover. I think he looks like a Carlos.

Song of the Day
Kings of Leon - Mi Amigo

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day Forty Nine 2/18/11

Feelin The Art
Working all day today gave me a great opportunity to do some art on the chalk boards for the new beers we offer, and honestly, it is one thing I have not been doing as much as I have wanted to since I have been out here. It was so much fun drawing some fun images and I am glad I did it, cause it gave me that felling back that I haven't had for a really long time. Yeah, I have been knitting hats and taking pictures, but to actually put something down artistically that I can stand back and look at, it was a great satisfaction I have not felt that in a really long time. So I am going to make it my goal to get back into the painting and drawing. And Colorado is a great place to do it. The pictures I have so far, and the new ones to come, will be amazing portrait pieces I can work with. And when I start dog walking full time again, I can use my clients as objects.
Honestly, and I rarely complain about anything, but today was a really long day. But I got through it with some amazing new people that I have grown to adore in the last couple Old Chicago months. So thank you Brandy Z, Tamaran, Sarah, Jenn O, Kyle, Leah, Rich, Sheri, Lisa, Jared, Jessica, Erik, Kristen, Breyden, Tyler, Corinna, Leigh, Chuck, Scott and special thanks to Brandy W.. for thinking of me about a ride home when I was too busy to think of it myself... and of course the kitchen guys... Francisco.... that's fun to say...

Song of the Day:
Dave Matthews - Crash Into Me

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Forty Eight 2/17/11

 Hawk Eye
Well I finally got a Hawk pictures, well pictures.. and I wasn't even looking, I just heard this screech and looked up in the tree and there he was, and then he took off after a meal, and then he landed on something, but it was a no-go. He took off with his talons empty. I proceeded to stalk the Hawk for a while and he didn't like that, so I gave up and went on with our walk. I am happy I got some Hawk action though, there are so many around, I can't believe it took me this long. I want to be a Hawk in my next life, or maybe I was already a Hawk in a previous life, that is why I am so obsessed with them. They are beautiful birds. I look at them as very wise and brave. If you haven't seen the movie 'Lady Hawk' you should, it's a good movie. 

Song of the Day:
Modest Mouse - Missed The Boat

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Forty Seven 2/16/11

My Back Yard
I love Sister Park, I love Greenbelt Park because it is my backyard, and not having a car to get to other parks is hard, but at least I have this right out my door step. Its also nice because we have a little pond behind this picture with Ducks and Geese chillin, mostly why the Coyotes hit this area, and the Prairie Fields, which are dirty funny little animals and then it connects to all the trails in the area. There are a lot of bikers on the trails, which is kind of annoying because most of the time they yell from behind you and I never hear them with my head phones on, but I am courteous and stay on one side for them. That's why I love to hike, you don't see many bikers on the snow filled trails. 
A friend of mine went into labor today, so I am going to send her all my luck and hope the baby boy comes quick and easy for her. It is also Donna, Matt and Kyle's birthday today. So a shout out Birthday wish goes to them also. Good day today.. good day indeed. 

Song of the Day
Phoenix - Lisztomania

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Forty Six 2/15/11

One Of These Days...
I will get an amazing picture of a Colorado Hawk. I will. It's like they taunt me with their screeching and their soaring. I am so obsessed with these birds, it's not even funny. I see them so much and when they do finally sit still, I am never prepared. So my goal is to get the most amazing picture of a Hawk.. and I will,. I promise you that. And then, about 5 minutes after the walk, I am on the patio drying Dakota off and I see a nice tall white Coyote strolling down the walkway. No camera in hand again.. I blew it. I know I will have plenty more opportunities to get the picture I want of these animals... so patient I must be. There is actually a Hawk in this picture, and I have some pictures where it is a little bit closer but I really liked the sky in this picture. It was so warm today and I actually got a little sunburn on my neck.. or as I like to call it 'Redneck.' Tomorrow will be just as nice and as much as I am working, and as tired I am, I don't mind going out and getting a great walk in and dealing with it all. As soon as my hands-on training is done, I think I might throw myself back into the dog walking and groom on the side. Both are great rewarding jobs, but dog walking is no-doubt-about-it my favorite things to do. 

Song of the Day:
311 - I'll Be Here A While
(Song is for Nick, he had a long day at work)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day Forty Five 2/14/11

Happy Valentines Day
I got the pleasure of working 13 hours at Old Chicago today for Valentines Day.
There is not too much to say about today.... well I can say that it got to almost 60 degrees, and the next couple of days will be as nice. I plan on getting out as much as I can, and hopefully getting better pics than the end-of-the-night silverware we have to roll. It's not fun not having a car. I am lucky I have people that are helping me out, but when it comes down to it, I miss the freedom of being able to go and do what I want. I have been getting by and I won't let it get me down, but it does suck.... 
Tonight was busy for the 'lovers dinner' as one man said to me,  I saw some couples on dates, some sons taking their moms out, some single dads with their kids, a couple that was married for 62 years and come to Old Chicago every year for pizza on Valentines Day. I have been serving tables for a long time, and the people out here are a lot nicer than I have dealt with on the east coast. It makes it really easy to serve tables. Plus I really like the people I work with, we all get along really well, and have some good laughs.

Song of the Day:
Gomez - See The World

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Forty Four 2/13/11

So Courtney had my camera all day, the plan was that she was taking this hike an hour south of here and was going to get me a picture of the day because I had to work, but she forgot the camera and the only picture I did take today was of Dakota with these sunglasses on. Which is a funny picture, and he is pretty easy when it comes to dressing him up. One time on Easter I put bunny ears on him and he wore them all day and was sitting in the passenger seat of my car and got some good laughs out of people. 
I am completely exhausted and have nothing else on my mind right now but sleep. 

Song of the Day:
Coldplay - Violet Hill

Day Forty Three 2/12/11

Keys to the Jeep, Beep Beep
And Continued.. I finally got Carlos towed, and this is the view.. really? So beautiful. Everyone says it will fade, but I don't think it will for me. Everywhere you go, there is some sort of scenery that blows my mind. It's really hard to explain if you are not here, it is truly beautiful. I don't feel bad for constantly talking about it, I really don't. I am at a place in my life where working for the dollar isn't the the only thing that matters. I work and I get by, and when I do get out, as many days as I can, I love it. I faced my fear today and went back to where the Coyotes scared the crap out of me, and I was completely fine with it.
I have been through a lot in my life, as everyone has, so when more things are thrown my way, I feel like I candle handle it with pride and move on. I am not perfect and I never will be, but I will be the best person I can and I will be as optimistic as I can. Today was a crazy day, and I am glad I got by with the people I have here in my life. 
It's been almost four months since I have lived in Colorado and I am having and absolute blast. I adore it here and I am glad I made this move. I really look forward to the things ahead. 

Song of the Day:
The Weeks - Buttons

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Forty Two 2/11/11

Coyote Hunter
I took a couple of pictured today, but when I got home from work I was going to take a picture of the moon, and then I heard the Coyotes and so did Dakota. They were just howling, it sounded like one was on one side of the park, and another was on the other and they were talking through the howling. It didn't last long and I never saw them, but we for sure heard them.
Today when I was on the bus, I over heard a man talking to the bus driver and what I got out of it was that he was homeless and he made some good change during the cold weather, he said people must feel bad for him when it's that cold out. He was taking the bus to certain grocery stores around Denver because it's better to go 'Dumpster Diving' at more places to stock up for food. I know everyone has an opinion on homeless people and I will admit it, I will give my change to one if I am passing by, but when it comes down to it, I felt really bad for him. I can't even imagine. So here I am this week, completely carless and upset about making extra money to fix it, and worrying about rides and taking the bus, and this situation really made me look at what I do have. I have a loving family, a roof over my head, a warm bed and food in the fridge. I am taking the bus to a job, not to Dumpster Dive. Here is where a saying my mom has always said to me "It could always be worse" and it really is true. We should all stop complaining about pointless things in our life, and be grateful to the fortunate lives we do live. Do good deeds, treat people the way you would want to be treated. Be happy. Life is great. 

Song of the Day:
U2 - Beautiful Day

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Forty One 2/10/11

Scared on Beautiful Day
So this morning Dakota and I went out for a walk and we headed through Sister Park and went down to Greenbelt Park to do our usual walk around the lake. About half way down to the wooded area I could actually hear Coyotes howling over my headphones, and then I saw something out of the corner of my eye,  there they were, three Coyotes bolting towards the brush in the field, and then I saw another one running down the field. I quick grabbed Dakota, who was off leash (shhh) and we headed back up and I couldn't help to take a couple of videos of the sounds that they make (they are posted on facebook.) I have heard Coyotes from my place many of nights, but not this close. I have been in some scary situations, like a black bear at Exit Glacier in Alaska, but you can't help but to have so much go through your mind of what you should do. I took my white vest off in case they did come near so I could wave it around to make us look bigger, but all in all, I don't think Dakota would have a chance against a hungry pack of Coyotes. They didn't come back our way as we walked back up to Sister Park, but I could hear them the whole time. The noise that they make in a pack is one of the weirdest sounds to hear, it's a nice howl followed by a 'yip yip' sound. I read about their sounds when I first got out here and when they do that together, they are in a feeding frenzy and act like Hyena's after prey. I won't let a a pack of Coyotes ruin one of my favorite walks, but I will always be cautious in the Coyote Country I do live in. I took one picture on this walk, and it was of the Foothills covered in snow with blue skies. Nice view during a scary encounter. 

Song of the Day:
Kings Of Leon - Closer

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day Forty 2/9/11

Shadow People
I don't know why I think that the shadows of trees are so cool. I guess cause it's always sunny so they are everywhere. I love trees, we all know that, but there is something calming about the shadows. It's like they are holding hands. 

Tallest trees:
The heights of the tallest trees in the world have been the subject of considerable dispute and much exaggeration. Modern verified measurements with laser rangefinders, other measuring devices, or with tape drop measurements made by tree climbers (such as those carried out by canopy researchers or members of groups like the U.S. Eastern Native Tree Society), have shown that some older measuring methods and measurements are often unreliable, sometimes producing exaggerations of 5% to 15% or more above the real height. Historical claims of trees growing to 130 m (427 ft), and even 150 m (492 ft), are now largely disregarded as unreliable, and attributed to human error. Historical records of fallen trees measured prostrate on the ground are considered to be somewhat more reliable. The following are now accepted as the top ten tallest reliably measured species:
1. Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens): 115.56 m (379.1 ft), Redwood National Park, California, United States
2. Australian Mountain-ash (Eucalyptus regnans): 99.6 m (326.8 ft), south of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
3. Coast Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii): 99.4 m (326.1 ft), Brummit Creek, Coos County, Oregon, United States
4. Philippine rosewood (Petersianthus quadrialatus): 96.9 m (317.9 ft), Agusan del Sur, Mindanao, 
5. Philippines (it is possible that it is slightly lower, because the height might include Christmas decorations on the top of the tree)
6. Sitka Spruce (Picea sitchensis): 96.7 m (317.3 ft), Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, California, United States
7. Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendron giganteum): 94.9 m (311.4 ft), Redwood Mountain Grove, Kings Canyon National Park, California, United States
8. Tasmanian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus globulus): 90.7 m (297.6 ft), Tasmania, Australia
9. Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis): 89 m (292 ft), Evercreech Forest Reserve, Tasmania, Australia
10. Shorea faguetiana: 88.3 m (289.7 ft) Tawau Hills National Park, in Sabah on the island of Borneo
Alpine Ash (Eucalyptus delegatensis): 87.9 m (288.4 ft), Tasmania, Australia

Song of the Day:
Queens Of The Stoneage - Burn the Witch

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day Thirty Nine 2/8/11

Fish Head Soup
My sister Leigh did this painting awhile ago. She saw this fish head at a local market and decided to buy it, so she could paint it, because it still had the bait hanging out of it's mouth. The lady that sold it to Leigh was convinced that she wanted to make fish head soup, and repeated 'fish head soup' over and over to Leigh, and even tried to give her the recipe. She kept the painting for awhile, but after me constantly commenting on how much I loved it, Leigh gave in and gave it to me. It is definitely one of my favorite paintings and I get more comments on it than any of my other art.  My sister is an amazing artist and as much as I try, I will never have the talent that she does with her paintings. She sees things so differently and puts her own twist on it that really makes the paintings colorful and kooky. 

Song of the Day:
The Decemberists - The Mariner's Revenge

or check out a video that is a play. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day Thirty Eight 2/7/11

Colorado Falcon
Today we started at the bottom of Mount Falcon at The Morrison Town Park and hiked 2.5 miles up Castle Trail, which was an 1,600 feet incline. It took us almost 4  hours to get to the Summer Whistle House Site and about 1 hour to get back down. I fell twice. 
So what is a falcon? Falcons are raptors, or birds of prey, and though related to the hawks and eagles, they belong to a separate family — Falconidae. Falcons are found throughout the world, except for Antarctica and some islands. The archetypal falcon is a hunter of birds, plummeting down upon its prey in a high-speed dive, called a stoop, and slashing or knocking prey from the air. By contrast, buteo hawks like the red-tailed typically soar in the air or sit on a high perch searching for prey on the ground. They drop down on prey and make the kill on the ground. Accipiters such as the sharp-shinned and Cooper's hawks hunt prey in the forest, darting between trees or flying suddenly out from hiding to grab a bird or squirrel. Falcons kill using both their bill and their feet, seizing prey in their talons, then biting the back of the animal's neck. Falcons have notched bills, an adaptation for this killing bite. Hawks and eagles primarily use their talons to crush and pierce their prey. While eagles, osprey and hawks build bulky nests of sticks, falcons don't build nests at all, often laying their eggs on bare cliff ledges or in tree cavities, occasionally using the old nests of ravens and other birds. Some species, such as kestrels, regularly use nest boxes.
Three falcons nest in Colorado—the American kestrel, the prairie falcon and the American peregrine falcon subspecies. Arctic peregrine falcons, another subspecies, migrate through Colorado.
If any one bird epitomizes the falcon family, it is the peregrine. Even its name, which means wanderer, implies something untamed and free. This sleek and beautiful falcon inhabits wild country of cliffs and canyons, nesting on remote ledges. Though nicknamed "duck hawk," peregrines have never been a threat to waterfowl. They hunt all types of birds, including flickers, swallows and swifts, songbirds, shorebirds and pigeons. To see a peregrine stooping on prey is to witness one of nature's spectacular feats. Peregrines are the fastest creatures on earth, capable of aerial dives reaching as much as 200 mph. 

Song of the Day:
Cake - The Distance

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Thirty Seven 2/6/11

Carlos broke down tonight. Kyle was my hero. 
Good friends are hard to come bye, So if you have them.... keep them.

Song of the Day:
Ween - Booze Me Up And Get Me HIgh

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day Thirty Six 2/5/11

Mount Falcon
It was a great hike this morning on Mount Falcon. Lots of snow, beautiful views and fun trails. 
Castle trail leads from the plains at the east end of the park to the foothills via a narrow road which once carried Stanley Steamer autos. The trail then branches to explore forest and meadows and the many points of interest at the trail summits.
The story of Mount Falcon is largely the story of John Brisben Walker, who once owned over 4,000 acres of land in this area. During the early 1900's Walker lived in an elaborate stone house on Mount Falcon while planning the construction of a summer home for the Presidents of the United States, which was to have been located on a ridge to the east of his home. Walker's home burned in 1918, and all that remains of this once splendid edifice are the massive stone walls and numerous fireplaces of a unique mountain castle.
On this site the crumbling remnants of a broken dream and the views of the plains to the east and mountains to the west combine to create an inspirational setting. The construction of the Summer White House never proceeded beyond the laying of the foundation and cornerstone, though thousands of Colorado school children each donated 10 cents toward Walker's dream. American involvement in W.W. I, combined with a waning of Walker's good fortunes, brought an end to this project. From the site of the Summer White House one may look down on Red Rocks Park, one of Walker's dreams come true.
John Brisben Walker was a man of many visions. He made fortunes on land speculation in West Virginia and his purchase of Cosmopolitan Magazine, but other ventures were less successful. Walker's purchase of the Stanley Steamer Company was a losing bet against Henry Ford's internal combustion engine. Although he held vast fortunes at various times in his life, Walker died penniless in 1931 at the age of 83.

Song of the Day:
Elton John - Rocket Man

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Thirty Five 2/4/11

Meetin His Mate
Did you know that ducks are generally monogamous, although these bonds generally last a single year only. Larger species and the more sedentary species (like fast river specialists) tend to have pair-bonds that last numerous years. Most duck species breed once a year, choosing to do so in favourable conditions, like spring/summer or wet seasons.
The word duck comes from Old English *dūce "diver", a derivative of the verb *dūcan "to duck, bend down low as if to get under something, or dive", because of the way many species in the dabbling duck group feed by upending; compare with Dutch duiken and German tauchen "to dive".

Song of the Day:
Duran Duran - Rio

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Thirty Four 2/3/11

I Had To..
I took a lot of pictures of Byrd playing ball today, but if you know me at all, and if you know my sense of humor, you will understand why I picked this picture. Not only is it so funny, but it is my life. This is what I deal with on a daily basis and have been for over 11 years now. Must be nice to do that when and where ever you want. Dakota is not shy about it at all.
So Byrd is doing great. Courtney and Kyle are really training her well and in the last month that she has been here with us, and me helping out with her when they need me, I have seen a huge improvement in her behavior. She is still a puppy, but she is a good puppy that is very loving. Colorado is an ideal place to have a dog with the mass parks at your finger tips.

Song of the Day:
Family Guy - Bird is the Word

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Thirty Three 2/2/11

Coldest Sunrise Ever
Well I did it, my goal was to go outside and feel what this minus degree felt like, so I caught the sunrise and it was -18 when I took this picture. Coldest I have ever felt. 
Frostbite (congelatio in medical terminology) is the medical condition where localized damage is caused to skin and other tissues due to extreme cold. Frostbite is most likely to happen in body parts farthest from the heart and those with large exposed areas. The initial stages of frostbite are sometimes called "frostnip".

At or below 0 °C (32 °F), blood vessels close to the skin start to constrict, and blood is shunted away from the extremities via the action ofglomus bodies. The same response may also be a result of exposure to high winds. This constriction helps to preserve core body temperature. In extreme cold, or when the body is exposed to cold for long periods, this protective strategy can reduce blood flow in some areas of the body to dangerously low levels. This lack of blood leads to the eventual freezing and death of skin tissue in the affected areas. There are four degrees of frostbite. Each of these degrees has varying degrees of pain.

First degree
This is called frostnip and this only affects the surface skin, which is frozen. On onset there is itching and pain, and then the skin develops white, red, and yellow patches and becomes numb. The area affected by frostnip usually does not become permanently damaged as only the skin's top layers are affected. Long-term sensitivity to both heat and cold can sometimes happen after suffering from frostnip.

Second degree:
If freezing continues, the skin may freeze and harden, but the deep tissues are not affected and remain soft and normal. Second degree injury usually blisters 1–2 days after becoming frozen. The blisters may become hard and blackened, but usually appear worse than they are. Most of the injuries heal in one month but the area may become permanently insensitive to both heat and cold.

Third and Fourth degrees:
If the area freezes further, deep frostbite occurs. The muscles, tendons, blood vessels, and nerves will all freeze. The skin is hard, feels waxy, and use of the area is lost temporarily, and in severe cases, permanently. The deep frostbite results in areas of purplish blisters which turn black and which are generally blood-filled. Nerve damage in the area can result in a loss of feeling. This extreme frostbite may result in fingers and toes being amputated if the area becomes infected with gangrene. If the frostbite has gone on untreated they may fall off. The damage done to the area by the freezing process of the frostbite may take several months to find out and this often delays surgery to remove the dead tissue.
Song of the Day:
Lazy Eye - Silversun Pickups

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day Thirty Two 2/1/11

Baby, It's Cold Outside
So I have to say that in my 34 years of life, I have never experienced minus degree weather. And today it was very minus degree weather. Tomorrow will be worse, but I will not complain, because so far, my weather experience in Colorado has been amazing. I mean, what State, with this many mountains, having one of the coldest towns in the Country (Fraser, Co), and home of The Rocky Mountains can be 70 degree in January. Denver is a very unusual state with it's weather, but I think that is also what is so great about it. It can be sunny and warm in Denver during the winter, but all you have to do is drive a couple of hours into the mountains and snowboard or ski some fresh powder. There is a local saying in Denver when the weather is bad 'Give the weather 20 minutes' and it is so true. The picture today is a plant that grows in Sister Park and it is the only thing that has any color to it, plus it's so cold out, I was all about getting a shot and then getting back into the warmth, Dakota felt the same way. 

Song of the Day:
Willie Nelson ft. Norah Jones - Baby It's Cold Outside