Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Forty Three 2/12/11

Keys to the Jeep, Beep Beep
And Continued.. I finally got Carlos towed, and this is the view.. really? So beautiful. Everyone says it will fade, but I don't think it will for me. Everywhere you go, there is some sort of scenery that blows my mind. It's really hard to explain if you are not here, it is truly beautiful. I don't feel bad for constantly talking about it, I really don't. I am at a place in my life where working for the dollar isn't the the only thing that matters. I work and I get by, and when I do get out, as many days as I can, I love it. I faced my fear today and went back to where the Coyotes scared the crap out of me, and I was completely fine with it.
I have been through a lot in my life, as everyone has, so when more things are thrown my way, I feel like I candle handle it with pride and move on. I am not perfect and I never will be, but I will be the best person I can and I will be as optimistic as I can. Today was a crazy day, and I am glad I got by with the people I have here in my life. 
It's been almost four months since I have lived in Colorado and I am having and absolute blast. I adore it here and I am glad I made this move. I really look forward to the things ahead. 

Song of the Day:
The Weeks - Buttons

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