Monday, February 14, 2011

Day Forty Five 2/14/11

Happy Valentines Day
I got the pleasure of working 13 hours at Old Chicago today for Valentines Day.
There is not too much to say about today.... well I can say that it got to almost 60 degrees, and the next couple of days will be as nice. I plan on getting out as much as I can, and hopefully getting better pics than the end-of-the-night silverware we have to roll. It's not fun not having a car. I am lucky I have people that are helping me out, but when it comes down to it, I miss the freedom of being able to go and do what I want. I have been getting by and I won't let it get me down, but it does suck.... 
Tonight was busy for the 'lovers dinner' as one man said to me,  I saw some couples on dates, some sons taking their moms out, some single dads with their kids, a couple that was married for 62 years and come to Old Chicago every year for pizza on Valentines Day. I have been serving tables for a long time, and the people out here are a lot nicer than I have dealt with on the east coast. It makes it really easy to serve tables. Plus I really like the people I work with, we all get along really well, and have some good laughs.

Song of the Day:
Gomez - See The World

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