Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day Thirty Nine 2/8/11

Fish Head Soup
My sister Leigh did this painting awhile ago. She saw this fish head at a local market and decided to buy it, so she could paint it, because it still had the bait hanging out of it's mouth. The lady that sold it to Leigh was convinced that she wanted to make fish head soup, and repeated 'fish head soup' over and over to Leigh, and even tried to give her the recipe. She kept the painting for awhile, but after me constantly commenting on how much I loved it, Leigh gave in and gave it to me. It is definitely one of my favorite paintings and I get more comments on it than any of my other art.  My sister is an amazing artist and as much as I try, I will never have the talent that she does with her paintings. She sees things so differently and puts her own twist on it that really makes the paintings colorful and kooky. 

Song of the Day:
The Decemberists - The Mariner's Revenge

or check out a video that is a play. 

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