Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Forty Six 2/15/11

One Of These Days...
I will get an amazing picture of a Colorado Hawk. I will. It's like they taunt me with their screeching and their soaring. I am so obsessed with these birds, it's not even funny. I see them so much and when they do finally sit still, I am never prepared. So my goal is to get the most amazing picture of a Hawk.. and I will,. I promise you that. And then, about 5 minutes after the walk, I am on the patio drying Dakota off and I see a nice tall white Coyote strolling down the walkway. No camera in hand again.. I blew it. I know I will have plenty more opportunities to get the picture I want of these animals... so patient I must be. There is actually a Hawk in this picture, and I have some pictures where it is a little bit closer but I really liked the sky in this picture. It was so warm today and I actually got a little sunburn on my neck.. or as I like to call it 'Redneck.' Tomorrow will be just as nice and as much as I am working, and as tired I am, I don't mind going out and getting a great walk in and dealing with it all. As soon as my hands-on training is done, I think I might throw myself back into the dog walking and groom on the side. Both are great rewarding jobs, but dog walking is no-doubt-about-it my favorite things to do. 

Song of the Day:
311 - I'll Be Here A While
(Song is for Nick, he had a long day at work)

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