Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day Forty Seven 2/16/11

My Back Yard
I love Sister Park, I love Greenbelt Park because it is my backyard, and not having a car to get to other parks is hard, but at least I have this right out my door step. Its also nice because we have a little pond behind this picture with Ducks and Geese chillin, mostly why the Coyotes hit this area, and the Prairie Fields, which are dirty funny little animals and then it connects to all the trails in the area. There are a lot of bikers on the trails, which is kind of annoying because most of the time they yell from behind you and I never hear them with my head phones on, but I am courteous and stay on one side for them. That's why I love to hike, you don't see many bikers on the snow filled trails. 
A friend of mine went into labor today, so I am going to send her all my luck and hope the baby boy comes quick and easy for her. It is also Donna, Matt and Kyle's birthday today. So a shout out Birthday wish goes to them also. Good day today.. good day indeed. 

Song of the Day
Phoenix - Lisztomania

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