Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Forty Two 2/11/11

Coyote Hunter
I took a couple of pictured today, but when I got home from work I was going to take a picture of the moon, and then I heard the Coyotes and so did Dakota. They were just howling, it sounded like one was on one side of the park, and another was on the other and they were talking through the howling. It didn't last long and I never saw them, but we for sure heard them.
Today when I was on the bus, I over heard a man talking to the bus driver and what I got out of it was that he was homeless and he made some good change during the cold weather, he said people must feel bad for him when it's that cold out. He was taking the bus to certain grocery stores around Denver because it's better to go 'Dumpster Diving' at more places to stock up for food. I know everyone has an opinion on homeless people and I will admit it, I will give my change to one if I am passing by, but when it comes down to it, I felt really bad for him. I can't even imagine. So here I am this week, completely carless and upset about making extra money to fix it, and worrying about rides and taking the bus, and this situation really made me look at what I do have. I have a loving family, a roof over my head, a warm bed and food in the fridge. I am taking the bus to a job, not to Dumpster Dive. Here is where a saying my mom has always said to me "It could always be worse" and it really is true. We should all stop complaining about pointless things in our life, and be grateful to the fortunate lives we do live. Do good deeds, treat people the way you would want to be treated. Be happy. Life is great. 

Song of the Day:
U2 - Beautiful Day

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