Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day Fifty 2/19/11

Dear Carlos
I missed you. So much. 
Carlos got a good washin after I picked him up. I think it is funny how we name our cars, well at least I do. We had a red pickup truck growing up and it's name was Nelly. I think it all originates from the fact that my dad gave everything a nickname.. and to this day, things still get nicknames. Most of you know that I have been Beany my whole life, and I love it, I really do, but it is nice to be called by my real name now.. at 34 years old. My sister had the worst, she was Shitbird. It was what my dad's drill sergeant called him in Vietnam. Ross was nicknamed Benny from Benny Hill, but is also called Waldo and Yugla and Chad was nicknamed Beaker from The Muppets, but most of us call him Chud now 
In college everyone called each other by their last names, I was usually Scrotum or Screwball.. so I hope you can all see why I am happy being called Jess in Colorado. Dakota has many nicknames, from Koots to Spongebob Kooter Pants, or as my dad likes to call him Stanley Steamer..
50 days into the blog and I am proud of myself for sticking with it, maybe the blog will eventually have a nickname.. who knows, we will see.
Carlos got his nickname from the movie The Hangover. I think he looks like a Carlos.

Song of the Day
Kings of Leon - Mi Amigo

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