Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day Fifty One 2/20/11

Three Best Friends
I can't imagine living a life without a dog, let alone all the dogs around me. Dakota, Byrd and Sadie are so great together. We all have to understand that dogs want to be in a pack together and the earlier we do it, the better it is. Socializing our dogs is what they need, it is their instinct to work and be together. If you think about it, we do the same thing, we surround ourselves with people we want to run in a group with, we feel comfortable with each other and keep coming back for more. Whether it's our own flesh and blood or people that we have bonded with through out the years, it seems to happen naturally to us as we get older. That's the way dogs are, they also like to be in that social interaction that makes us feel so normal. I am lucky to have so many of those groups in my life, and here in Colorado, I have an amazing pack of friends that are like a family to me. We all need it, and we all thrive off of it. There is nothing better than being 100% relaxed around the people we adore and trust. I feel that way about my family, I miss them, but I know I will be around them again. 

Song of the Day:
Surfer Blood - Floating Vibes

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