Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Forty One 2/10/11

Scared on Beautiful Day
So this morning Dakota and I went out for a walk and we headed through Sister Park and went down to Greenbelt Park to do our usual walk around the lake. About half way down to the wooded area I could actually hear Coyotes howling over my headphones, and then I saw something out of the corner of my eye,  there they were, three Coyotes bolting towards the brush in the field, and then I saw another one running down the field. I quick grabbed Dakota, who was off leash (shhh) and we headed back up and I couldn't help to take a couple of videos of the sounds that they make (they are posted on facebook.) I have heard Coyotes from my place many of nights, but not this close. I have been in some scary situations, like a black bear at Exit Glacier in Alaska, but you can't help but to have so much go through your mind of what you should do. I took my white vest off in case they did come near so I could wave it around to make us look bigger, but all in all, I don't think Dakota would have a chance against a hungry pack of Coyotes. They didn't come back our way as we walked back up to Sister Park, but I could hear them the whole time. The noise that they make in a pack is one of the weirdest sounds to hear, it's a nice howl followed by a 'yip yip' sound. I read about their sounds when I first got out here and when they do that together, they are in a feeding frenzy and act like Hyena's after prey. I won't let a a pack of Coyotes ruin one of my favorite walks, but I will always be cautious in the Coyote Country I do live in. I took one picture on this walk, and it was of the Foothills covered in snow with blue skies. Nice view during a scary encounter. 

Song of the Day:
Kings Of Leon - Closer


  1. Amazing! Glad it turned out well. Might think twice about ear-buds tho and maybe get some bear spray. The odds are pretty slim that they would actually attack, buuut... :O)

  2. I have to tell you, I have hawk eye when it comes to anything moving around me, I am on alert, and yes, Bear spray is a must. I was asked 4 times today if I would protect Dakota. I didn't even have to think about that answer......

    Maybe I will just get a gun.. ha
