Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day Fifty Four 2/23/11

Matthews Winter Park
Dakota and I jumped in the jeep today to find a new hike, I knew if I drove over towards Red Rocks I would find something, and I did. All ya have to do is drive around the mountains and look for the 'hikers crossing' signs, and eventually you will run into a parking lot where some paths start. I really loved this hike, it was so nice out and we made it as far as the ice made us turn around, even though some runners and bikers went through it, I was only wearing my sneakers so we ended up taking this path that Dakota is on in the pic up to the top of one of the foothills and it was really pretty. Dakota and I had a blast on this hike together.
I have to tell this story, and I am sorry if it offends anyone, but it mad me laugh. I usually take my headphones to listen to music, but I know the areas where Pandora will not work, since my phone is using the internet, no music for me today. So I am on the side of this canyon and I am hiking down to a sharp turn and there are three runners on the other side making their way towards me. Well with the conversation bouncing off the canyons, it was a really loud and I heard everything he is saying, while he is running, and shouting it so his friends can here. This is pretty much what he said "After my operation, I wake up still drowsy from the Anesthesia and I have the biggest boner I have ever had in my life, and it is taped to my stomach, and it's taped to the side, so I'm like 'Yo nurse, why is my boner taped to the side of my stomach?' and she goes 'So you don't piss on your face.'"
It was like he was telling a joke, but his friends weren't laughing. But I did, and so did the hikers in front of me and behind me. They eventually ran by me, and I held my tongue.. 
I got great pics today, but I loved this one the most, that sweet face on my hiking buddy is priceless. 

Song of the Day:
My Morning Jacket - I'm Amazed

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