Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day Fifty Eight 2/27/11

Best Meal Ever
I have said it before and I will say it again, if I had to pick one meal for the rest of my life, this would be it.
I could never be a Vegetarian because I love burgers so much. There are so many great burger places out here, and the Cricket Burger is amazing, but I look forward to hitting a couple other places in Denver for a good burger. This is an Old Chicago burger and it was so awesome, and I said was, because it is gone. I didn't waste anytime after I took this picture. It's all I wanted when I came home from work. 
Song of the day is a song I heard at work today and it has the best memory of a bunch of us dancing around the pool table at the OBX one night. I will never forget how hard I laughed that night. I love this song for that reason. 

Song of the Day:
David Bowie - Let's Dance

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