Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day Fifty Seven 2/26/11

William Hayden Green Mountain Park
Well it's official, I have sunglass marks on my face like the rest of the Coloradans. So does that means I am officially a Coloradan also? Eh' what am I saying.. of course I am! What a beautiful day for a hike, there was a perfect amount of sun and wind. It took us about an hour and a half to get up to the top, and the views were perfect. You could see the Rockies to the west and the city to the east. This weekend was actually suppose to have pretty crappy weather, but like always, the weather forecast was way off. Lucky us. Now I have a little sunburn again, feels good.
Byrd and Dakota had a blast and both got as dirty as possible, oh a dogs world.

Song of the Day:
Band of Horses - On My Way Back Home

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